English Sahaja Yoga Meditation Courses by USA

Sahaja Yoga meditation courses

Presented by Sahaja Yoga USA
Free online courses to discover the peace and joy within for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Beginners • Intermediate • Advanced Sessions. No previous experience in meditation required.
Do as many sessions as you wish – no need to do all the sessions.

“When you become the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened into collective consciousness – it becomes, because this Spirit in you is the collective being.” – Shri Mataji (founder)

Let's meditate for 21 Days

Saturday 25th January to Friday 14th February 2025
Hosted from Sahaja Yoga USA
New York 8:45PM | London 1:45AM | Delhi 7:15AM | Sydney12:45PM
(Convert to your local time)
Join in at any time, even if you miss some sessions • Daily recordings available.

Newcomers and regulars will learn how to go deeper in their meditation and expand the state of inner silence. One-on-one help, workshops with group practice, and ongoing mentoring available.

 *** Join daily sessions and watch recordings here on the USA website ***


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Newcomers and regulars will learn how to go deeper in their meditation and expand the state of inner silence. One-on-one help, workshops with group practice, and ongoing mentoring will be available.

Join daily sessions and watch recordings here on the USA website

21 Day course beautifully presented sessions for beginners, intermediate and advanced meditators with over 108 in-depth follow-up sessions.
Do as many sessions as you wish - no need to do all the sessions.
No previous experience in meditation required.


Video recordings, topics, description and session resources

(Click below to expand)

Session 1: Day 1 to 9
Beginners - Know Thyself 

Session 1 (Day 1 to Day 9) Beginners - Know Thyself | Saturday 5th to Sunday 13th March 2022

Day 1: Experience the silence within | Sat 5 Mar 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We will experience the awakening of a divine mothering energy within us that gently takes us into a state of silence.

“Meditation is such a soothing thing, such a beautiful way of connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative mood.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Download “Affirmations for Self Realization”

We place our right hand on our torso and head in certain places, such as the left hip and the forehead. In Sahaja Yoga, these actions and affirmations connect our sincere desire to become our true selves to our own power to become our true selves. The result is a state of meditation, free from thoughts about the past or the future. This is Self Realization. This process is covered in Day 1’s session recording below.

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Day 2: Expand the silence | Sun 6 Mar 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Learn how to calm your attention, reduce your thoughts, and increase your enjoyment of inner silence.

“You become extremely peaceful. Like a wheel which is moving, if your attention is on the wheel, on the periphery, then your mind is all the time moving. But if you jump on the axis of the wheel, it is silent. So, you enter into the area of complete silence.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Download “Raising the Kundalini & Giving a Bandhan.”

Begin and end your meditation with the movements described on this page. They help to bring your attention into the present and sustain the state of calmness and inner silence. These techniques are demonstrated in Day 2’s session recording below.

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Day 3: Inner peace and balance | Monday 7 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Western consciousness is an acquired state of frenetic mental activity while the inherent nature of all human beings is a thoughtless state. Sahaja Yoga reconnects us to our inherent nature.
Just like when a bird spreads its wings, it can traverse the skies. Only when it is in balance can it ascend. Bringing our inner being into balance, we too can rise.

“In the West we have become very speedy, no doubt, and to bring down this speed we have to use the meditative process, that we feel our peace within ourselves.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

The state of meditation can be enhanced by taking a little time each day to sit and meditate. A daily routine is explained in Day 3’s session recording below.

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Day 4: We are beautifully made | Tuesday 8 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

There are three energy channels in our subtle system — left, right and center. We will learn about the qualities of each channel, and how to balance them so that we can be in the center, in the present moment, and on the path to our spiritual ascent.

Quote: “You are an instrument most beautifully made, absolutely so beautifully made that once you discover it, you will be amazed as to what you are.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Meditating at Home

The state of meditation can be enhanced by taking a little time each day to sit and meditate. A daily routine is explained in Day 4’s session recording below.


Balancing Techniques

Thoughts are generally about the past or the future. Sahaja Yoga Meditation helps us to establish ourselves in the present, without any thought. We balance the left and right channels of our subtle system using these techniques. They are demonstrated in Day 4’s session recording below.

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Day 5: Inner transformation through meditation | Wednesday 9 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Inner transformation through meditation.
Learn about the innate qualities of the subtle energy centers within us and how we can imbibe these qualities in our personalities through meditation.

“The first thing should be to watch yourself, that you are not reacting, but you are experiencing and enjoying the silence, the subtleties, the beauty, the glory of your being.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

The Subtle Energy System

Every human being has a subtle system of seven energy centers, or chakras. When a chakra is in balance, it helps keep an aspect of our lives in balance. For example, when the third center (nabhi chakra) is in balance, we tend to be more peaceful and generous. We introduce the chakras in Day 5’s session recording below.

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Day 6: Using the natural elements | Thursday 10 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Final description: Sahaja Yoga meditators can use the natural elements of water, earth, fire, ether, and air to deepen their meditation state and reduce the impact of things that may disturb their ongoing meditative mood.

The Foot soaking technique helps us clear our subtle system. It calms our inner being, balances us, improves our sensitivity, and helps deepen our meditation.

“Only in meditation you are in the present and you grow in your spirituality.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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Day 7: Deeper into the silent zone | Friday 11 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We will steady our attention and learn to identify and clear out the imbalances affecting our subtle being. Gradually, we’ll go deeper into our own subtlety, silence, and inner bliss.

Quote: “Freedom is when you really get to know your own powers which are within you. You see yourself clearly and start changing yourself.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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Day 8: Using ice to cool down our right side & Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation | Saturday 12 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Our attention can move into the past or the future, making it a challenge to meditate. We will demonstrate the cleansing power of ice to establish balance and steady our attention.

Quote: “The Spirit will shine on an attention which is steady. Steady it. By balancing you bring a steadiness to it. Balance your thoughts, balance your eyes, balance your desires.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Using ice to cool down our right side

Download Ice Treatment Handout


When we think and plan too much, we ‘heat up’ our right side. An ice pack helps to ‘cool down’ an overheated right side. We demonstrate how to use an ice pack in Day 8’s session recording below.

Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph, we become calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the photograph and we remove our shoes.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating.

All images are in jpg format and are ready for printing. For best print quality, use a high resolution printer or take the files, on an SD card or USB drive, to a digital photo lab for printing.

Image sizes available
Photo 1: 4″ x 6″ (10cm x 15cm) 1800 x 1200 pixels.
Photo 2: 5″ x 7″ (13cm x 18cm) 2100 x 1500 pixels.
To download an image, right-click on the image and save the file to your computer or device.

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Day 9: Using the subtle power of fire to clear our left side | Sunday 13 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Creativity/ Using the subtle power of fire to clear our left side.

To clear our left side of our subtle system we use the subtle power of fire. This will be an interactive workshop in smaller virtual rooms with experienced Sahaja Yoga practitioners. You’ll learn techniques to clear your subtle system and go deeper into meditation. This interactive workshop is only available on the Zoom platform.

“Freedom must have wisdom behind it. So, both the sides, the movements on both the sides, are wrong. So, what is all right? In the center. Is not to get conditioned by anything and not to be ego-oriented.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

SAFETY NOTE: We will use a candle to clear our left channel of imbalances. As a safety precaution, do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near anything that might catch fire. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or on the floor.

WHAT TO BRING: Before the start of this session, please have these items available: – A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate – Matches or a lighter.

Download Candle Treatment Handout

When we seem to have no motivation or a heavy, low-energy feeling, it might reflect the state of our left side. We can use a candle to clear the left side and feel more energized. We demonstrate how to use a candle in Day 9’s session recording below.

“The Three Great Mantras.”

This is the recording we play at the beginning of every class in this 21-day course. It is called “The Three Great Mantras.” Chakras can be cleared using techniques, elements, music, and reciting mantras. The Three Great Mantras are recited to open the seventh center – the Sahasrara Chakra.


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Session 2 - Day 10 to Day 16
Intermediate - Spiritual Ascent

Session 2 (Day 10 to Day 16) Intermediate - Spiritual Ascent | Monday 14th to Sunday 20th March 2022

Day 10: Deeper clearing of the left side | Monday 14th March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

How to use a candle to clear our left channel of imbalances.

SAFETY NOTE: Do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near anything that might catch fire. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or on the floor.

WHAT TO BRING: Before the start of this session, please have these items available:
– A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate
– Matches or a lighter

“We are all part and parcel of one country and that country is of Love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 11: Restoring our childlike innocence | Tuesday 15 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We will focus on the first energy center, the Mooladhara Chakra. In Sanskrit, “Mooladhara” means support of the roots. This chakra is the base of the subtle system. Its innate qualities are purity, innocence, joy, and wisdom.

“This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your Realization, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent.” — Shri Mataji

The fundamental quality of the Mooladhara chakra is innocence. This is the basis of righteous behavior. Your innocence can never be destroyed, but it may be masked by your ego and conditionings, just as the sun may be covered by clouds.

A balanced Mooladhara helps you maintain and increase your inner wisdom. It also leads to improved memory, attention and focus.

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DAY 12: Connecting to our pure desire to ascend | Wednesday 16 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

Swadisthana, the second chakra, is the center of creativity, pure knowledge, pure desire and pure attention. The power of pure desire within us guides our spiritual journey. Opening this chakra helps us to let go of our need to control, so we can allow the divine power to work things out.

“Thinking, thinking thinking, planning, planning, planning, planning, running. Ultimately the whole joy has disappeared.” – Shri Mataji

Download Swadisthana Chakra

Excessive thinking and planning can exhaust the Swadisthana chakra. Our creativity blossoms when this chakra is clear. When we are able to get things done while maintaining our inner silence, we are less likely to get tired, and we will accomplish our goals with spontaneity and joy.

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DAY 13: Feeling contented in our daily lives | Thursday 17 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We’ll do a footsoak to help clear the Nabhi chakra and Void area. In this guided meditation, we let go of stress, relax and begin to experience our own divine qualities of satisfaction, generosity and inner peace. We cultivate our ability to steady and purify our attention.

“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within.” — Shri Mataji

(Nabhi and Void handouts): Our seeking originates in this chakra, whether it be for food and water, or for self-knowledge and our spiritual evolution.

A clear Nabhi is vital to achieving the state of thoughtless awareness and clear attention.

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DAY 14: Unconditional love | Friday 18 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

Let’s collectively open our Heart Chakra so we can feel our innate qualities of love, compassion, security and fearlessness.

“You become the source of joy, not that you only receive the joy but you become the source of joy, the source of bliss and the source of peace. Wherever such a person goes, it just soothes.” –Shri Mataji

Download the Heart Chakra

The fundamental quality of the Heart chakra is unconditional love. As the chakra clears, you experience pure joy and pure attention. You discover your place in the world and your purpose.

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DAY 15: Watch without reacting | Saturday 19 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We will put our attention on the Vishuddhi Chakra to strengthen our sense of self-respect and respect for others. The power of this chakra also helps us to be a detached witness of the drama of life.

“The detachment takes place because you become one with the Spirit which is not attached, which gives you that light, that detachment from where you can see the whole thing just as a drama going on.” — Shri Mataji

Download Vishuddhi Chakra

A clear Vishuddhi chakra allows you to witness events calmly, without judgement and without feeling guilty.

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DAY 16: Forgiveness | Sunday 20 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

To open the Agnya Chakra, let’s learn to forgive. This clears the subtle pathway to be connected to the all-pervading power of the Divine through the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of our head.

This class includes a clearing, balancing and meditation workshop which is only available to participants on the Zoom platform.

“When you forgive a person, what do you do? You accept the situation, to begin with, and secondly you forgive what you think has been done wrong to you. But because nothing can be done wrong to your Spirit, you just forgive because you are the Spirit.” — Shri Mataji

Download Agnya Chakra Handout

A way to clear your Agnya chakra is to sit outdoors while looking at the sky. You can place your right hand on your forehead, tilt your head slightly forward and say, “I forgive everyone, including myself.”

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Session 3 -  Day 17 to Day 21
Advanced - Thoughtless awareness

Session 3 (Day 17 to Day 21) Advanced - Thoughtless awareness | Monday 21st to Friday 25th March 2022

DAY 17: Integration | Monday 21 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We celebrate Shri Mataji’s Birthday and introduce the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of our head where we connect to the all-pervading power of Divine Love.

Our complete subtle instrument is integrated in the Sahasrara chakra. As our attention and our Kundalini rise to the Sahasrara chakra we enter a new dimension of consciousness. We go beyond the relative to the absolute.

“The rationality that is separated from the heart becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with your attention. Wherever your attention goes you act in a collective way. All the activities of your attention are blessed. Your attention itself is effective. Your attention is very important, your desires are even more important, because it is such an integrated thing: your desires and your attention become one. Whatever is good for the Spirit you desire.” — Shri Mataji

Download Sahasrara Chakra Handout

When your Sahasrara Chakra opens, your human awareness has united with the Divine, and your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual selves become integrated.

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DAY 18: Going beyond the mind into thoughtless awareness | Tuesday 22 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We devote more attention to clearing the sixth chakra, the Agnya Chakra, including the left and right aspects. This will help us to get more easily into thoughtless awareness.

Saying the two mantras “ham” and “ksham” (pronounced a bit like hum and kshum) helps to clear the left agnya (ham) and right agnya (ksham). Recording of the two mantras:

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DAY 19: Increasing our awareness of our chakras| Wednesday 23 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We’ll work on increasing our awareness of the state of our chakras. We will review the location of the chakras on our hands and learn a simple technique to clear individual chakras.

“If you can achieve that point, where you watch everything without reacting, you are in reality. And then only the penetration into the subtleties of your surroundings, of your relationships, your friendships — the whole universe — dawns upon you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 20: Integrating our new awareness into our daily life | Thursday 24 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We will introspect about how our subtle state connects to our daily life and patterns of behavior. We enhance the experience of meditation by going deeper into the silence within us.

“Now this happening of achieving thoughtless awareness is very simple and easy. But to maintain that point is difficult. We still react and we think. Anything you see, you react. To get to that point in thoughtless awareness is first to change your attention…. Try to witness everything…. You start enjoying everything that is there. Even a small blade of grass you can enjoy.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 21: This is just the beginning | Friday 25 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
In our last session of this series, we integrate all that we have learned. We look within ourselves and see how much we have grown in our awareness. You’ll find out what comes after this course to continue further with your journey in meditation. If you have missed a few sessions, don’t worry because this entire course will be available on the free meditation YouTube channel.

“If you can go into meditative mood, you are in contact with this Divine Power. Then whatever is good for you, whatever is good for your society, for your country, all is done by this Divine Power…. Just if you meditate you are one with this Divine Power.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 4 - Day 22 to Day 24
Going Deeper

Session 4 (Day 22 to Day 24) Going Deeper | Saturday 2nd to Monday 4th April 2022

DAY 22: Establishing our Self-Realization | Saturday 2 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will meditate on our central channel, asking our Kundalini to take us into the silence of the present moment and help us to transform from within.

“Meditation is the only way you can grow.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 23: Feeling the Joy | Sunday 3 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our left channel clears out, we can feel how much we are loved by the Divine.

“This Divine power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, love, and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 24: Getting things done without effort | Monday 4 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our right channel clears out, we realize that we can rely on the Divine energy to take care of all our problems.

“Develop that dignity and that love and that understanding, that etiquette of a divine person, that sweetness, that gentleness of a divine person.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 5 - Day 25 to Day 42
The Divine Qualities of the Chakras

Session 5 (Day 25 to Day 42) The Divine Qualities of the Chakras | Tuesday 5th to Friday 21st April 2022.

DAY 25: The power of childlike Innocence | Tuesday 5 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we connect with the subtle power of innocence within us, we begin to see the obstacles in our path fall away.

“An innocent person is really like a magnet and it attracts, he attracts, the people towards himself, just like a flower attracts a bee towards itself.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 26: Kundalini - the Mothering Energy | Wednesday 6 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The Kundalini is the pure desire within us to ascend. She nourishes, purifies, and enlightens our divine qualities.

“This power is your own. She’s actually your mother, individual mother and She has got everything recorded about you within Herself and She is your own energy. She has to just rise and get you connected with this all-pervading power, then you realize how great you are.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 27: Pure inspiration | Thursday 7 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

When desire and attention are purified, inspiration strikes!

“Once you are in thoughtlessness, you will get all inspirations, all powers.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 28: Where is your attention? | Friday 8 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

When your attention is enlightened, it becomes powerful.

“This is the miracle, that human beings have turned their attention to their spirit. Then you are amazed how things work out.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 29: Peace and well-being come from within | Saturday 9 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Satisfaction comes from your Spirit.

“One cannot enjoy anything until he achieves contentment.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 30: The Dignity of a Guru | Sunday 10 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
As we clear our Void, the area of our guru principle, we leave behind our frivolous and cheap behavior. We become empowered to act in a moral way at all times. We notice it’s harder to insult anyone or show temper.

“Eyes should be steady. When you look at somebody steadily you should know that you have got Sahaja Yoga in you, with love, with respect, with dignity.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 31: The Discipline of a Guru | Monday 11 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We become our own gurus through the daily practice of Sahaja Yoga. We stop arguing with ourselves. We accept and follow our own inner guidance. We leave behind all extreme behavior, whether it’s over-indulgence or over-strictness.

“You have to be your own guru means you have to guide yourself. You have to treat yourself as your disciple and you have to trim yourself.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 32: The Light of the Spirit | Tuesday 12 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Before realization, we live in a world of confusion. After we receive the awakening of our kundalini, the light of the Spirit shows us the absolute truth, which we feel in our hands as a cool breeze.

“This is what is Self-realization – you become just the master. You don’t have to consult anyone, you know it. You have to just consult your Spirit through your vibratory awareness, and you know it.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 33: Have confidence in your new awareness | Wednesday 13 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

In Sahaja Yoga we awaken the divine qualities of the Heart chakra. In the Left Heart we awaken love and compassion, in the Center Heart we develop our sense of security and inner strength, and in the Right Heart the sense of responsibility.

“You can gradually experience. With the experience, try to put the experience in your heart, and have faith in that experience. What were you? What have you become now?” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 34: Guilt robs us of our energy | Thursday 14 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Guilt is a way to judge ourselves and keep repeating our mistakes. When the left vishuddhi is clear, we are able to see ourselves with compassion and correct ourselves.

“We have to be pleasantly placed towards ourselves. We have to respect ourselves. We have to be happy about ourselves. This is the first thing – is not to feel guilty about anything. Just believe that you have done nothing wrong which cannot be dissolved by this great power of forgiveness.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 35: The power of speech to give love to others | Friday 15 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We can use our voice to dominate and hurt others, or to soothe and comfort others. In a meditative state, we don’t react with anger or criticism, but we elevate and inspire with our words and deeds.

“Diplomacy is not convincing anybody with his intellect or by temper or anything but it is to melt away another person by your goodness, by your good words, by your sweet words, by your forgiving nature.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 36: The Narrow Gate | Saturday 16 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

The balloons of ego and superego, the culmination of all our attention on the future and the past, prevent the Kundalini from reaching Sahasrara. As our Agnya chakra clears, these balloons are reduced, allowing us to get above our thoughts at Sahasrara. When we are completely silent — without thought — we are in reality.

“Kundalini, when she reaches the Agnya Chakra and when She opens Agnya chakra, then you can be in thoughtless awareness. Then you don’t think – thinking just stops. You watch everything, just watch, but you do not get involved into what you are watching. You just watch and that watching itself gives you the growth within.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 37: Emerging from our shell | Sunday 17 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

A bird is “born twice.” First it is born as an egg, bound by the shell, and at the right time it breaks free. We are like the egg before Realization, and like the bird after Realization.

“Our ego and superego makes us an egg. We are like a shell. It has to be there, to have our I-ness; to have our freedom to choose between right and wrong. And then when we mature the Mother can break the shell and you become a second person, the person who is twice born. This is what is really baptism.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 38: The Thousand-Petalled Lotus | Monday 18 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

At Sahasrara we can let go of all our worries, opinions, and frustrations. We can offer them to the silence above the top of the head. This is where our attention joins the universal, Divine attention.

“Sahaja Yoga is like building first the pinnacle of the building, and then the foundation. Opening your Sahasrara was the first thing that was achieved. And then in the light of Sahasrara you have to watch yourself and see for yourself.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 39: Our Refuge | Tuesday 19 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

At Sahasrara our ignorance and confusion is transformed into pure understanding and knowledge. No longer separate and isolated, our individual attention joins the collective attention — the Divine attention. We rise above all the limitations of our human awareness. The culmination of our seeking, at Sahasrara we are comforted and redeemed.

“Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 40: Divine Sounds of the Chakras | Wednesday 20 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will clear our upper chakras and then have a session of “bija mantras.” Bīja means ‘seed’ and bīja mantras are single syllable sounds which resonate with the divine qualities of our chakras to clear them.

“Sanskrit has come out of Kundalinî’s movement when She makes a sound. All was recorded by the great saints and like that every chakra has got vowels and consonants according to the number of sub-plexuses they have — you can say petals they have — and all of them make the alphabets of Sanskrit language.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 41: Collectivity | Thursday 21 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We can enjoy true collectivity if we know how to balance ourselves and use compassion and wisdom in our relationships.

“After you get your realization you enter into a new awareness of collectivity. You become the collective consciousness.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 42: Mother Earth | Friday 22 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

When we bring our attention to the Mother Earth, she has the power to soothe us down and purify our attention.

“We have to understand the connection and the symbolic expression of the Mother Earth within ourselves.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 6 - Day 43 to Day 63
Journey within

Session 6 (Day 43 to Day 63) Journey within | Sunday 1st May to Thursday 16th June 2022

DAY 43: Inner Peace and World Peace | Sunday 01 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Inner peace is the foundation of world peace. Through the enlightenment of our awareness and the opening of our heart, our inner calm creates harmony with others, no matter their country or culture. True peace prevails, long standing wounds heal and we have a hope of saving the planet.

“Peace can be only achieved by establishing peace in the hearts of the people” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 44: Introduction to Mantras | Tuesday 03 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Mantras are used in Sahaja Yoga to cleanse the chakras and establish their Divine qualities. Most mantras are recited in Sanskrit, a deeply spiritual language.

“You have to have complete faith in yourself and that your Self is nothing but innocence.” — Shri Mataji

Download From Mantras to Silence Booklet

The “From Mantras to Silence” booklet will help you learn more about the subtle system and how affirmations and mantras can strengthen your meditation experience. Learn how to establish self realization, clear your chakras, awaken the powers within the chakras, and solve all types of mental, physical and emotional problems.

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DAY 45: The Opening of the Sahasrara | Thursday 05 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The tradition of yoga was one disciple and one teacher, and a lifetime of cleansing to awaken each chakra. Shri Mataji, by opening the Sahasrara chakra, made it possible for millions of people to effortlessly achieve their self-realization.

“As soon as the Kundalini enters into the limbic area, she soothes it and it opens, like a lotus, thousand-petalled lotus. It opens and then the Kundalini emerges out of your fontanelle bone area and gets connected to the all-pervading power.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 46: Removing Obstacles | Sunday 08 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We demonstrate how to remove the obstacles we face in our daily lives and in our personal growth.

“All those things or obstacles which block or stop you from reaching your depth should be removed by loving yourself, by watching yourself and by understanding that I have this problem within. I have to remove this problem.”

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DAY 47: Overcoming Lethargy | Tuesday 10 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We’ll work on clearing our left channel to remove the heaviness that keeps us stuck and unable to enjoy the present.

“On the moon line if you go too far it can be destructive. Because if you sit in the house doing nothing… then you start thinking too much, and this thinking is just the desire energy working out, no action.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 48: Developing Dynamism | Thursday 12 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will practice techniques to clear the right channel, so that we can accomplish amazing things without inflating our ego.

“The love that I’m talking about, the divine love, makes you not only strong but dynamic. It is the greatest luminous power that we can think of…. The dynamic power of love can transcend all the evil powers of the world.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 49: The Central Path of Transformation | Sunday 15 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Our evolution so far has brought us to great heights of creativity and technology. When our central channel is enlightened and the Sahasrara is open, we continue to evolve and realize our full potential.

“In our evolution, whatever we have achieved has come in our awareness. That means it should become a part and parcel of our awareness. Like, as I can see you, I can feel you, in the same way you should be able to see. And through that light we should be able to explain each and every thing.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 50: Pure knowledge | Tuesday 17 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Pure knowledge is connected to our own self-awareness and subjective experiences after we receive our self realization. These experiences clarify and correct whatever we learn through books, discussion and analysis.

“In our evolution, whatever we have achieved has come in our awareness. Like, as I can see you, I can feel you, in the same way you should be able to see. And through that light we should be able to explain each and every thing.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 51: Generosity | Thursday 19 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When the Nabhi chakra is clear, we feel complete contentment. Then we don’t need to cling onto material objects to feel fulfilled. We realize the true value of things is in giving them to people as expressions of our love.

“Somebody likes a particular thing – you go all the way to get it and give that small thing, very small thing, to the person and the joy, not out of the money that you have spent, but the feelings you have expressed of knowing what that person would love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 52: Finding peace and quiet inside ourselves | Sunday 22 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The world of work and the world created by the media distracts us from the peace that is within ourselves. Today we will go deep into meditation, free of thoughts and reactions.

“You don’t have to worry for anything, don’t have to think about anything, you don’t have to plan about anything. Only thing is, you have to jump into it, just jump into it and know that you have become part and parcel of the reality.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 53: Confucious and Socrates are within us | Tuesday 24 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In Sahaja Yoga, ten aspects of the guru are awakened in the Void. In meditation, we discover the wisdom of great sages is within us.

“You should have your own ideas. You shouldn’t worry what Plato said and what Socrates said and what this thing said. What do you think? After all, you are enlightened people.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 54: The Teachings of Kabir | Thursday 26 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Kabir was a great poet and realized soul. We will explore the subtle meaning of his poetry and enjoy meditating to renditions of his poems set to music.

“Kabir says that if by shaving your head you meet the Divine, then the goat and sheep get shaved every day – these must be close to God.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 55: Becoming Fearless | Sunday 29 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
As we strengthen our divine qualities, nothing can pull us off balance. Nothing can tempt us, and nothing can dominate us.

“You get rid of all your fear, but you do not dominate anyone. You love. In your love you are secure. It is not by domination but the security that you are love, you are compassion.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 56: Speaking with a Clear Vishuddhi Chakra | Tuesday 31 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our fifth center is clear, our speech reflects our love and compassion.

“What is the essence of this diplomacy? It is benevolence. You have to achieve the benevolence of the whole humanity.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 57: Shri Buddha | Thursday 02 June 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Buddha means the one who is enlightened. We will meditate on the teachings of Buddha and focus on the Right Agnya chakra where the divine principles of his teachings become enlightened within us.

“When Buddha was tired, finished… then he got his realization. When you stop your efforts then only you will get your realization.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 58: The Breakthrough | Sunday 05 June 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We have received our self-realization through Sahaja Yoga. We can now experience an internal transformation that comes with this breakthrough when we honor and maintain it through meditation.

“We are seekers of truth, and we are seekers of peace within, silence within, the love within, and that power that gives you, empowers you, to love others.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 59: From Agnya to Sahasrara | Tuesday 07 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
It’s easy to get stuck in our Agnya chakra, distracted by thoughts and fighting with our own ego. We will focus on opening the pathway from Agnya to Sahasrara with songs and guided meditation.

“This ego cannot take away our joy. Anywhere such idea just comes into your head tell them, ‘Now Mister ego, I know you very well.’ In the light of Buddha you can see your ego very clearly.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 60: Attention and Effortlessness in Meditation | Thursday 09 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will learn the importance of effortlessness as it relates to getting into the state of meditation by letting the subtle energy guide our attention to the Sahasrara.

“We are very powerful people, but if we fritter away our attention we become very, very weak people.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 61: Clearing our Chakras and Getting to Silence | Sunday 12 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Today we collectively balance our left and right sides and remove blockages in our chakras. This enhances our enjoyment of collective meditation.

“We are here to become those unique personalities which are required to raise the humanity to a higher state. So you have to be now responsible for yourself. You have to look after yourself.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 62: The Elements and Nature | Tuesday 14 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Day 62 Handout

We will explore our subtle relationship to nature and learn the mantras for the five elements – earth, fire, water, air and ether.

“In Sahaja Yoga it’s one of the biggest mantras for all the Western people. They should all the time say to all the trees, all the nature around: “I am not guilty.” Your ecological problem will improve because then you won’t do wrong things to spoil your ecology.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 63: Bija Mantras | Thursday 16 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
“Sahaja Yoga is a very subtler happening within us…. This subtler happening gives you sensitivity to Divine joy.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 7 -  Day 64 to 84
Deepening the silence

Session 7 (Day 64 to 84) Deepening the silence | From Tuesday 28 June 2022 to Sunday 14 August 2022

DAY 64: Developing Patience | Tuesday 28 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we feel that something isn’t moving as quickly as we want it to, we often become impatient. When we have moments of “waiting,” let’s not only accept them, but see how they give us opportunities to expand and sustain our state of meditation.

”Have patience with yourself as I have with you. You have to have patience.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 65: Dharma | Thursday 30 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In Sahaja Yoga, as we strengthen the principles of each chakra, we automatically become righteous and avoid any kind of extreme behavior.

“There’s no temptation. There is no mental activity, either. There is no stealing nor telling lies. Such a person is extremely honest and fearless.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 66: Kundalini is our individual mother | Sunday 3 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
During our meditation today we will focus on the purity and power of our Kundalini.

“She gives us a second birth because she understands everything. She knows everything. She organizes everything. She brings forth all the beauty that you are.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 67: Enlightened Choices | Tuesday 5 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In our freedom, we can make choices that further our spiritual growth, or that slow it down. In the state of meditation we ask the Divine to guide us in making important decisions in our lives.

“You have to choose your liberation through your own freedom of choice.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 68: Not Reacting | Thursday 7 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we don’t react, we maintain our inner balance. In a state of witnessing we allow the truth of a situation to emerge.

“Now with Realization what happens, the Spirit doesn’t take note of all this stimulus…. It is just witnessing the play as a drama and a joke. It doesn’t react to it as human beings do. And that’s how the stress stops, drops out.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 69: Respect Your Self Realization | Sunday 10 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Even though getting our self realization is effortless, we can only grow in our awareness and knowledge if we practice Sahaja Yoga every day.

“It should be your own — that you should be able to maneuver yourself, you should be able to handle it yourself, should be your own power which should express it. I just cannot say, ‘Alright, done. Now you are a member of Sahaja Yoga.’” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 70: Purity in Brother / Sister Relationships | Tuesday 12 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The basis of all relationships in Sahaja Yoga is purity. For men, every woman is their sister, and for women, every man is their brother.

“Our attention has to be so pure that it should not waste any one of our energies. You know that with purity in your eyes, even a glance can create such a beautiful life for others. Even a glance.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 71: Balancing responsibilities and mental well-being | Thursday 14 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Regularly practicing Sahaja Yoga helps maintain balance in our daily lives. In a state of meditation we can face the demands placed on us by work and family without becoming upset or angry.

“When you are in that silence, you are in the silence of the cosmos, silence of the cosmos. And the silence of the cosmos works for you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 72: Short Mantras | Sunday 17 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Sometimes our Kundalini is stopped by a blockage in a chakra, and we cannot fully enjoy the state of meditation. We can assist the movement of our Kundalini by saying from our heart Sanskrit syllable or phrase, such as “om.”

“What you have to know: where the Kundalini is, how it is moving, where it is, what is the chakra catching and what is the mantra for that.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 73: Musical Journey up the Central Channel | Tuesday 19 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will travel from Mooladhara to Sahasrara with mantras and music that clear each chakra and bring out their divine qualities.

“The whole sensitivity changes. You start understanding what music is good for your Spirit.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 74: Vibratory awareness and compassion | Thursday 21 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
As we become more sensitive to the vibrations and to the state of our subtle system, we find that we can feel the energy of the people and places that we encounter. This awareness gives us insight, compassion and a better understanding of how we can be helpful to others.

“Ours is a path of knowledge—knowledge that is love, knowledge that is compassion.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 75: Vibrating food and water | Sunday 24 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
With our attention on Sahasrara, we can use our hands to give divine vibrations to our food. We can also vibrate water for drinking, cooking and other purposes.

“A person who is a holy person, he touches anything, it vibrates. He touches water, it vibrates. Anything you touch, anything you feel, it vibrates it.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 76: The road, the map and the journey | Tuesday 26 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will identify triggers that distract our attention from our Spirit. We will also practice simple exercises to steady our attention so we can more fully enjoy the silence of meditation.

“Becoming innocent, the attention becomes very steady. This steady attention penetrates deeply into any enterprise you take up.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 77: Improving our Attention | Thursday 28 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will identify triggers that distract our attention from our Spirit. We will also practice simple exercises to steady our attention so we can more fully enjoy the silence of meditation.

“Becoming innocent, the attention becomes very steady. This steady attention penetrates deeply into any enterprise you take up.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 78: The job of a yogi | Sunday 31 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The most important job of a Sahaja Yogi is to give love to people. Without any artificiality, we give love from our wisdom and our concern.

“Your energy comes from the Spirit, which is love. In one word it is love. And in three words, it is truth, it is attention and it is joy. All put together it is love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 79: Becoming more sensitive to pure knowledge | Tuesday 2 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Pure knowledge reveals itself through the vibrations in our hands, sensations in the chakras, and in a spontaneous way of knowing. We will explore how this enlightened Divine knowledge works in our everyday lives.

“As we have grown outside, this knowledge has also grown deep. If we do not have the knowledge of the roots, this big tree will fall over. So we have to have the knowledge of the roots.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 80: Allowing Divine love to solve our problems | Thursday 4 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We spend a lot of attention and energy on finding solutions to our problems. What if there is a way to enlist the help of the Divine energy? Let’s experiment with this together.

“Yoga means union with the Divine. Also yoga means deftness, expertise. You have to have expertise how to use, how to maneuver the energy when you become realized.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 81: Which chakra is blocked? | Sunday 7 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will review the position of the chakras on our hands and collectively clear our subtle system.

“The best thing to keep your chakras clear is to first of all keep your heart clean.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 82: The daily play of our lives | Tuesday 9 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We take on different roles in our daily lives. When we remain in thoughtless awareness, we can witness the drama and enjoy the comedy.

“You will enjoy everything. You become a witness to a drama, like let’s say the drama going on, you watch the drama and you are involved into it, but once the drama is over, then you will say ‘Oh, I am here, I am just a spectator, I am not in the drama.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 83: Practicing Sahaja Yoga every day | Thursday 11 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
A daily routine that includes morning and evening meditation, foot soaking, and giving a bandhan before leaving the house impacts our level of attention throughout the day.

“This is something which has to be practiced in everyday life with your friends and things. It’s something which grows within us. It’s not any teaching as such. It is the growth that takes place.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 84: Four Pillars of Growth in Sahaja Yoga | Sunday 14 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will assess how far we have progressed in our meditation, purification, introspection, and collectivity.

“If you take to introspection, you will be surprised to see, yes, you have these powers and you can do wonders.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 8 - Day 85  to Day 108
The Joy of the Spirit

Session 8 (Day 85 to Day 108) The Joy of the Spirit | From Thursday 8 September 2022 to Sunday 4 December 2022

DAY 85: Feeling the Joy of the Spirit | Thursday 8 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our Kundalini is awakened, our Spirit gets enlightened. We will share the different ways we feel the joy of our Spirit through the practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

“You all will have a deeper insight into yourself, and you’ll enjoy the bliss and joy of the Spirit and feel the power of collective consciousness within you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 86: The Light of the Spirit | Sunday 11 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The more we meditate, the more we feel that we are one with our Spirit. In this state of joy, our Spirit shines.

“Once you become the Spirit you will enjoy the light of the Spirit, and the light of the Spirit is love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 87: The Hamsa Chakra | Thursday 15 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Part of the Vishuddhi Chakra, the Hamsa Chakra gives us the discretion to make the right choice in any situation.

“You have to be discreet. And the best way to be safe on discretion is to keep in the center. Never go to any extreme of anything.“ — Shri Mataji

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DAY 88: Becoming Discreet | Sunday 18 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will focus on methods in Sahaja Yoga to improve our discretion.

“Discretion — how to deal with people, how to understand them, how to understand the situation — everything develops because you become the knowledge.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 89: The Qualities of the Spirit – Sat, Chit, Ananda | Thursday 22 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will go deep into ourselves and experience the subtle qualities of truth (sat), attention and consciousness (chit), and joy (ananda).

“Spirit has got three qualities. Satchitananda — Sat, chit, Ananda. Sat means truth, Chit means attention, Ananda means joy.” — Shri Mataji, Sydney, Australia, April 3, 1981

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DAY 90: Using the Attention to Raise the Kundalini | Sunday 25 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
It is powerful to use our hands to raise our Kundalini and put ourselves in bandhan – but we can also do this just with our attention.

“The Spirit starts emitting its own light into our attention. Then your attention becomes powerful.” — Shri Mataji, Frankfurt, Germany, July 13, 1988

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DAY 91: Enlightened Creativity | Thursday 29 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we are at Sahasrara the Divine creative force flows through us.

“So many artists, so many musicians and so many writers have really contributed to the central path of Sushumna…. They were realized souls.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 92: The Divinity Within Each of Us | Sunday 2 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In meditation we may recognize a great teacher and enlightened ideas, but essential to our spiritual growth is recognizing our own divinity.

“We are really majestically divine and we have to touch the divinity within us. You will be amazed to know how great you are.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 93: Enlightened Devotion | Thursday 6 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Inspiring poems by Guru Nanak, Kabir and others take us into meditation and strengthen our connection to the Divine Power.

“There are 17 great saints who have talked about Kundalini in the 16th century. One of them was Guru Nanak — who has clearly said that you have to seek it within — and Kabir, who is also included in the Grantha Sahib.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 94: Giving Self-Realization to Others | Sunday 9 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will demonstrate some different ways that we can give Self-Realization to other people.

“Any Self-realized person in Sahaja Yoga can raise the Kundalini, and can give Self-realization to others – immediately after they have touched the Sahasrara.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 95: Divine Protection | Thursday 13 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will meditate on our center heart chakra to strengthen our confidence in the Power of Divine Love to protect and nourish us.

“Divine love gives you that warmth needed, that strength needed, that confidence needed. Everything is given to you by that Divine love. So, one has to realize that it is love — and love and love — is the basis of all this creation.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 96: Getting Past Agnya | Sunday 16 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Introspecting, opening the heart, and surrendering is the best way to go thoughtless.

“This kundalini crosses this Agnya chakra, the sixth center — a person becomes absolutely peaceful and without thoughts.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 97: Mental Wellness | Thursday 20 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Claiming our joy solves our problems.

“So every moment count your blessings… That is how you are going to have the joy of Sahaja Yoga.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 98: Getting into the Boat | Sunday 23 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Now that we have our Self-Realization, we can “get into the boat” to be in a witness state, in thoughtless awareness.

“You are standing in the water, and there are waves around and you are frightened. But if you are put in the boat you start seeing those things. If you know how to swim you can enjoy those waves.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 99: The Meaning of AUM | Thursday 27 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We focus on understanding the meaning of AUM and how we can incorporate it in our daily meditation.

“When all these sounds are sounded together and pass through the spiral of the body, if the body is like a conch, the sound that comes out of the synthesis is Aum.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 100: Keeping our Attention on our Spirit | Sunday 30 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The Kundalini, our power of pure desire, has connected us to our Spirit. How can we keep our attention focused on our Spirit in everyday life?

“After establishing your sustained attention on the Spirit you will develop a state where you’ll be in a complete state of witnessing with joy.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 101: Shri Mataji | Thursday 3 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will talk about Shri Mataji as a Guru and as a Mother. Sahaja Yogis who had the privilege of meeting Shri Mataji in person will share personal experiences.

“I am not a Guru. I am a mother, and I am going to tell you the truth about everything whether you like it or not.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 102: Subtle Qualities of the Water and Earth | Sunday 6 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will learn about the subtle aspects of the elements of water and earth.

“You should be like the water, which is mobile, which is cooling, which is soothing, which is cleansing.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 103: Introspection | Thursday 10 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Introspection in Sahaja Yoga is not a mental process. Looking inward, we discover the truth about ourselves in a state of thoughtless awareness.

“In a state where you are thoughtlessly aware, introspection comes to you automatically…. You do not think about it, it just comes to you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 104: Creation and Evolution | Sunday 13 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will listen to Shri Mataji explain the process of creation of the universe and how the evolutionary process created human beings.

“You must have that self-esteem that you are a human being.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 105: Right Vishuddhi: the Power of Sincerity | Thursday 17 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Our right Vishuddhi plays an important role in how we communicate, listen, and relate to ourselves and others. We will learn how to nurture and cleanse this important chakra.

“You have to communicate with complete humility.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 106: Stories about Shri Mataji and Spiritual Growth | Sunday 20 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will share personal experiences and stories about Shri Mataji that have had a transformative impact on our lives and on our understanding of Sahaja Yoga.

“I am a mother. I’m not here to dominate or to curb your personality. I’m here to nourish you, to make you grow.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 107: More Stories about Shri Mataji and Spiritual Growth | Sunday 27 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will share more personal experiences and stories about Shri Mataji that have had a transformative impact on our lives and on our understanding of Sahaja Yoga.

“You have to really mother others, and have that feeling of compassion and love for others.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 108: How Have We Progressed? | Sunday 04 Dec 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will take stock of how we have benefited from attending this course, and look ahead to the next steps in our spiritual growth.

“We are all potentially divine. We have to just feel that divinity within us.” – Shri Mataji

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March to December 2022 Series

***This live course has ended but please enjoy the Session recordings below. ***

Beginners • Intermediate • Advanced Sessions

No previous experience in meditation required.

"When you become the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened into collective consciousness – it becomes, because this Spirit in you is the collective being." - Shri Mataji (founder)

Session recordings

108 beautifully presented sessions for beginners, intermediate and advanced meditators. Do as many sessions as you wish - no need to do all the sessions.
No previous experience in meditation required.
These sessions were hosted by Sahaja Yoga practitioners from USA.

Session 1 (Day 1 to Day 9) Beginners - Know Thyself | Saturday 5th to Sunday 13th March 2022

Day 1: Experience the silence within | Sat 5 Mar 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We will experience the awakening of a divine mothering energy within us that gently takes us into a state of silence.

“Meditation is such a soothing thing, such a beautiful way of connection with the Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative mood.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Download “Affirmations for Self Realization”

We place our right hand on our torso and head in certain places, such as the left hip and the forehead. In Sahaja Yoga, these actions and affirmations connect our sincere desire to become our true selves to our own power to become our true selves. The result is a state of meditation, free from thoughts about the past or the future. This is Self Realization. This process is covered in Day 1’s session recording below.

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Day 2: Expand the silence | Sun 6 Mar 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Learn how to calm your attention, reduce your thoughts, and increase your enjoyment of inner silence.

“You become extremely peaceful. Like a wheel which is moving, if your attention is on the wheel, on the periphery, then your mind is all the time moving. But if you jump on the axis of the wheel, it is silent. So, you enter into the area of complete silence.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Download “Raising the Kundalini & Giving a Bandhan.”

Begin and end your meditation with the movements described on this page. They help to bring your attention into the present and sustain the state of calmness and inner silence. These techniques are demonstrated in Day 2’s session recording below.

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Day 3: Inner peace and balance | Monday 7 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Western consciousness is an acquired state of frenetic mental activity while the inherent nature of all human beings is a thoughtless state. Sahaja Yoga reconnects us to our inherent nature.
Just like when a bird spreads its wings, it can traverse the skies. Only when it is in balance can it ascend. Bringing our inner being into balance, we too can rise.

“In the West we have become very speedy, no doubt, and to bring down this speed we have to use the meditative process, that we feel our peace within ourselves.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

The state of meditation can be enhanced by taking a little time each day to sit and meditate. A daily routine is explained in Day 3’s session recording below.

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Day 4: We are beautifully made | Tuesday 8 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

There are three energy channels in our subtle system — left, right and center. We will learn about the qualities of each channel, and how to balance them so that we can be in the center, in the present moment, and on the path to our spiritual ascent.

Quote: “You are an instrument most beautifully made, absolutely so beautifully made that once you discover it, you will be amazed as to what you are.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Meditating at Home

The state of meditation can be enhanced by taking a little time each day to sit and meditate. A daily routine is explained in Day 4’s session recording below.


Balancing Techniques

Thoughts are generally about the past or the future. Sahaja Yoga Meditation helps us to establish ourselves in the present, without any thought. We balance the left and right channels of our subtle system using these techniques. They are demonstrated in Day 4’s session recording below.

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Day 5: Inner transformation through meditation | Wednesday 9 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Inner transformation through meditation.
Learn about the innate qualities of the subtle energy centers within us and how we can imbibe these qualities in our personalities through meditation.

“The first thing should be to watch yourself, that you are not reacting, but you are experiencing and enjoying the silence, the subtleties, the beauty, the glory of your being.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

The Subtle Energy System

Every human being has a subtle system of seven energy centers, or chakras. When a chakra is in balance, it helps keep an aspect of our lives in balance. For example, when the third center (nabhi chakra) is in balance, we tend to be more peaceful and generous. We introduce the chakras in Day 5’s session recording below.

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Day 6: Using the natural elements | Thursday 10 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Final description: Sahaja Yoga meditators can use the natural elements of water, earth, fire, ether, and air to deepen their meditation state and reduce the impact of things that may disturb their ongoing meditative mood.

The Foot soaking technique helps us clear our subtle system. It calms our inner being, balances us, improves our sensitivity, and helps deepen our meditation.

“Only in meditation you are in the present and you grow in your spirituality.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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Day 7: Deeper into the silent zone | Friday 11 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We will steady our attention and learn to identify and clear out the imbalances affecting our subtle being. Gradually, we’ll go deeper into our own subtlety, silence, and inner bliss.

Quote: “Freedom is when you really get to know your own powers which are within you. You see yourself clearly and start changing yourself.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

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Day 8: Using ice to cool down our right side & Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation | Saturday 12 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Our attention can move into the past or the future, making it a challenge to meditate. We will demonstrate the cleansing power of ice to establish balance and steady our attention.

Quote: “The Spirit will shine on an attention which is steady. Steady it. By balancing you bring a steadiness to it. Balance your thoughts, balance your eyes, balance your desires.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Using ice to cool down our right side

Download Ice Treatment Handout


When we think and plan too much, we ‘heat up’ our right side. An ice pack helps to ‘cool down’ an overheated right side. We demonstrate how to use an ice pack in Day 8’s session recording below.

Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph, we become calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the photograph and we remove our shoes.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating.

All images are in jpg format and are ready for printing. For best print quality, use a high resolution printer or take the files, on an SD card or USB drive, to a digital photo lab for printing.

Image sizes available
Photo 1: 4″ x 6″ (10cm x 15cm) 1800 x 1200 pixels.
Photo 2: 5″ x 7″ (13cm x 18cm) 2100 x 1500 pixels.
To download an image, right-click on the image and save the file to your computer or device.

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Day 9: Using the subtle power of fire to clear our left side | Sunday 13 March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Creativity/ Using the subtle power of fire to clear our left side.

To clear our left side of our subtle system we use the subtle power of fire. This will be an interactive workshop in smaller virtual rooms with experienced Sahaja Yoga practitioners. You’ll learn techniques to clear your subtle system and go deeper into meditation. This interactive workshop is only available on the Zoom platform.

“Freedom must have wisdom behind it. So, both the sides, the movements on both the sides, are wrong. So, what is all right? In the center. Is not to get conditioned by anything and not to be ego-oriented.” – Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

SAFETY NOTE: We will use a candle to clear our left channel of imbalances. As a safety precaution, do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near anything that might catch fire. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or on the floor.

WHAT TO BRING: Before the start of this session, please have these items available: – A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate – Matches or a lighter.

Download Candle Treatment Handout

When we seem to have no motivation or a heavy, low-energy feeling, it might reflect the state of our left side. We can use a candle to clear the left side and feel more energized. We demonstrate how to use a candle in Day 9’s session recording below.

“The Three Great Mantras.”

This is the recording we play at the beginning of every class in this 21-day course. It is called “The Three Great Mantras.” Chakras can be cleared using techniques, elements, music, and reciting mantras. The Three Great Mantras are recited to open the seventh center – the Sahasrara Chakra.


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Session 2 (Day 10 to Day 16) Intermediate - Spiritual Ascent | Monday 14th to Sunday 20th March 2022

Day 10: Deeper clearing of the left side | Monday 14th March 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

How to use a candle to clear our left channel of imbalances.

SAFETY NOTE: Do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near anything that might catch fire. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or on the floor.

WHAT TO BRING: Before the start of this session, please have these items available:
– A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate
– Matches or a lighter

“We are all part and parcel of one country and that country is of Love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 11: Restoring our childlike innocence | Tuesday 15 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We will focus on the first energy center, the Mooladhara Chakra. In Sanskrit, “Mooladhara” means support of the roots. This chakra is the base of the subtle system. Its innate qualities are purity, innocence, joy, and wisdom.

“This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your Realization, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent.” — Shri Mataji

The fundamental quality of the Mooladhara chakra is innocence. This is the basis of righteous behavior. Your innocence can never be destroyed, but it may be masked by your ego and conditionings, just as the sun may be covered by clouds.

A balanced Mooladhara helps you maintain and increase your inner wisdom. It also leads to improved memory, attention and focus.

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DAY 12: Connecting to our pure desire to ascend | Wednesday 16 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

Swadisthana, the second chakra, is the center of creativity, pure knowledge, pure desire and pure attention. The power of pure desire within us guides our spiritual journey. Opening this chakra helps us to let go of our need to control, so we can allow the divine power to work things out.

“Thinking, thinking thinking, planning, planning, planning, planning, running. Ultimately the whole joy has disappeared.” – Shri Mataji

Download Swadisthana Chakra

Excessive thinking and planning can exhaust the Swadisthana chakra. Our creativity blossoms when this chakra is clear. When we are able to get things done while maintaining our inner silence, we are less likely to get tired, and we will accomplish our goals with spontaneity and joy.

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DAY 13: Feeling contented in our daily lives | Thursday 17 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We’ll do a footsoak to help clear the Nabhi chakra and Void area. In this guided meditation, we let go of stress, relax and begin to experience our own divine qualities of satisfaction, generosity and inner peace. We cultivate our ability to steady and purify our attention.

“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within.” — Shri Mataji

(Nabhi and Void handouts): Our seeking originates in this chakra, whether it be for food and water, or for self-knowledge and our spiritual evolution.

A clear Nabhi is vital to achieving the state of thoughtless awareness and clear attention.

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DAY 14: Unconditional love | Friday 18 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

Let’s collectively open our Heart Chakra so we can feel our innate qualities of love, compassion, security and fearlessness.

“You become the source of joy, not that you only receive the joy but you become the source of joy, the source of bliss and the source of peace. Wherever such a person goes, it just soothes.” –Shri Mataji

Download the Heart Chakra

The fundamental quality of the Heart chakra is unconditional love. As the chakra clears, you experience pure joy and pure attention. You discover your place in the world and your purpose.

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DAY 15: Watch without reacting | Saturday 19 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We will put our attention on the Vishuddhi Chakra to strengthen our sense of self-respect and respect for others. The power of this chakra also helps us to be a detached witness of the drama of life.

“The detachment takes place because you become one with the Spirit which is not attached, which gives you that light, that detachment from where you can see the whole thing just as a drama going on.” — Shri Mataji

Download Vishuddhi Chakra

A clear Vishuddhi chakra allows you to witness events calmly, without judgement and without feeling guilty.

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DAY 16: Forgiveness | Sunday 20 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

To open the Agnya Chakra, let’s learn to forgive. This clears the subtle pathway to be connected to the all-pervading power of the Divine through the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of our head.

This class includes a clearing, balancing and meditation workshop which is only available to participants on the Zoom platform.

“When you forgive a person, what do you do? You accept the situation, to begin with, and secondly you forgive what you think has been done wrong to you. But because nothing can be done wrong to your Spirit, you just forgive because you are the Spirit.” — Shri Mataji

Download Agnya Chakra Handout

A way to clear your Agnya chakra is to sit outdoors while looking at the sky. You can place your right hand on your forehead, tilt your head slightly forward and say, “I forgive everyone, including myself.”

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Session 3 (Day 17 to Day 21) Advanced - Thoughtless awareness | Monday 21st to Friday 25th March 2022

DAY 17: Integration | Monday 21 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We celebrate Shri Mataji’s Birthday and introduce the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of our head where we connect to the all-pervading power of Divine Love.

Our complete subtle instrument is integrated in the Sahasrara chakra. As our attention and our Kundalini rise to the Sahasrara chakra we enter a new dimension of consciousness. We go beyond the relative to the absolute.

“The rationality that is separated from the heart becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with your attention. Wherever your attention goes you act in a collective way. All the activities of your attention are blessed. Your attention itself is effective. Your attention is very important, your desires are even more important, because it is such an integrated thing: your desires and your attention become one. Whatever is good for the Spirit you desire.” — Shri Mataji

Download Sahasrara Chakra Handout

When your Sahasrara Chakra opens, your human awareness has united with the Divine, and your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual selves become integrated.

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DAY 18: Going beyond the mind into thoughtless awareness | Tuesday 22 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We devote more attention to clearing the sixth chakra, the Agnya Chakra, including the left and right aspects. This will help us to get more easily into thoughtless awareness.

Saying the two mantras “ham” and “ksham” (pronounced a bit like hum and kshum) helps to clear the left agnya (ham) and right agnya (ksham). Recording of the two mantras:

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DAY 19: Increasing our awareness of our chakras| Wednesday 23 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We’ll work on increasing our awareness of the state of our chakras. We will review the location of the chakras on our hands and learn a simple technique to clear individual chakras.

“If you can achieve that point, where you watch everything without reacting, you are in reality. And then only the penetration into the subtleties of your surroundings, of your relationships, your friendships — the whole universe — dawns upon you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 20: Integrating our new awareness into our daily life | Thursday 24 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)

We will introspect about how our subtle state connects to our daily life and patterns of behavior. We enhance the experience of meditation by going deeper into the silence within us.

“Now this happening of achieving thoughtless awareness is very simple and easy. But to maintain that point is difficult. We still react and we think. Anything you see, you react. To get to that point in thoughtless awareness is first to change your attention…. Try to witness everything…. You start enjoying everything that is there. Even a small blade of grass you can enjoy.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 21: This is just the beginning | Friday 25 Mar 2022 8PM (Sydney time)
In our last session of this series, we integrate all that we have learned. We look within ourselves and see how much we have grown in our awareness. You’ll find out what comes after this course to continue further with your journey in meditation. If you have missed a few sessions, don’t worry because this entire course will be available on the free meditation YouTube channel.

“If you can go into meditative mood, you are in contact with this Divine Power. Then whatever is good for you, whatever is good for your society, for your country, all is done by this Divine Power…. Just if you meditate you are one with this Divine Power.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 4 (Day 22 to Day 24) Going Deeper | Saturday 2nd to Monday 4th April 2022

DAY 22: Establishing our Self-Realization | Saturday 2 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will meditate on our central channel, asking our Kundalini to take us into the silence of the present moment and help us to transform from within.

“Meditation is the only way you can grow.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 23: Feeling the Joy | Sunday 3 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our left channel clears out, we can feel how much we are loved by the Divine.

“This Divine power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, love, and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 24: Getting things done without effort | Monday 4 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our right channel clears out, we realize that we can rely on the Divine energy to take care of all our problems.

“Develop that dignity and that love and that understanding, that etiquette of a divine person, that sweetness, that gentleness of a divine person.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 5 (Day 25 to Day 42) The Divine Qualities of the Chakras | Tuesday 5th to Friday 21st April 2022.

DAY 25: The power of childlike Innocence | Tuesday 5 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we connect with the subtle power of innocence within us, we begin to see the obstacles in our path fall away.

“An innocent person is really like a magnet and it attracts, he attracts, the people towards himself, just like a flower attracts a bee towards itself.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 26: Kundalini - the Mothering Energy | Wednesday 6 April 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The Kundalini is the pure desire within us to ascend. She nourishes, purifies, and enlightens our divine qualities.

“This power is your own. She’s actually your mother, individual mother and She has got everything recorded about you within Herself and She is your own energy. She has to just rise and get you connected with this all-pervading power, then you realize how great you are.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 27: Pure inspiration | Thursday 7 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

When desire and attention are purified, inspiration strikes!

“Once you are in thoughtlessness, you will get all inspirations, all powers.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 28: Where is your attention? | Friday 8 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

When your attention is enlightened, it becomes powerful.

“This is the miracle, that human beings have turned their attention to their spirit. Then you are amazed how things work out.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 29: Peace and well-being come from within | Saturday 9 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Satisfaction comes from your Spirit.

“One cannot enjoy anything until he achieves contentment.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 30: The Dignity of a Guru | Sunday 10 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
As we clear our Void, the area of our guru principle, we leave behind our frivolous and cheap behavior. We become empowered to act in a moral way at all times. We notice it’s harder to insult anyone or show temper.

“Eyes should be steady. When you look at somebody steadily you should know that you have got Sahaja Yoga in you, with love, with respect, with dignity.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 31: The Discipline of a Guru | Monday 11 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We become our own gurus through the daily practice of Sahaja Yoga. We stop arguing with ourselves. We accept and follow our own inner guidance. We leave behind all extreme behavior, whether it’s over-indulgence or over-strictness.

“You have to be your own guru means you have to guide yourself. You have to treat yourself as your disciple and you have to trim yourself.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 32: The Light of the Spirit | Tuesday 12 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Before realization, we live in a world of confusion. After we receive the awakening of our kundalini, the light of the Spirit shows us the absolute truth, which we feel in our hands as a cool breeze.

“This is what is Self-realization – you become just the master. You don’t have to consult anyone, you know it. You have to just consult your Spirit through your vibratory awareness, and you know it.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 33: Have confidence in your new awareness | Wednesday 13 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

In Sahaja Yoga we awaken the divine qualities of the Heart chakra. In the Left Heart we awaken love and compassion, in the Center Heart we develop our sense of security and inner strength, and in the Right Heart the sense of responsibility.

“You can gradually experience. With the experience, try to put the experience in your heart, and have faith in that experience. What were you? What have you become now?” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 34: Guilt robs us of our energy | Thursday 14 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Guilt is a way to judge ourselves and keep repeating our mistakes. When the left vishuddhi is clear, we are able to see ourselves with compassion and correct ourselves.

“We have to be pleasantly placed towards ourselves. We have to respect ourselves. We have to be happy about ourselves. This is the first thing – is not to feel guilty about anything. Just believe that you have done nothing wrong which cannot be dissolved by this great power of forgiveness.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 35: The power of speech to give love to others | Friday 15 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We can use our voice to dominate and hurt others, or to soothe and comfort others. In a meditative state, we don’t react with anger or criticism, but we elevate and inspire with our words and deeds.

“Diplomacy is not convincing anybody with his intellect or by temper or anything but it is to melt away another person by your goodness, by your good words, by your sweet words, by your forgiving nature.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 36: The Narrow Gate | Saturday 16 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

The balloons of ego and superego, the culmination of all our attention on the future and the past, prevent the Kundalini from reaching Sahasrara. As our Agnya chakra clears, these balloons are reduced, allowing us to get above our thoughts at Sahasrara. When we are completely silent — without thought — we are in reality.

“Kundalini, when she reaches the Agnya Chakra and when She opens Agnya chakra, then you can be in thoughtless awareness. Then you don’t think – thinking just stops. You watch everything, just watch, but you do not get involved into what you are watching. You just watch and that watching itself gives you the growth within.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 37: Emerging from our shell | Sunday 17 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

A bird is “born twice.” First it is born as an egg, bound by the shell, and at the right time it breaks free. We are like the egg before Realization, and like the bird after Realization.

“Our ego and superego makes us an egg. We are like a shell. It has to be there, to have our I-ness; to have our freedom to choose between right and wrong. And then when we mature the Mother can break the shell and you become a second person, the person who is twice born. This is what is really baptism.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 38: The Thousand-Petalled Lotus | Monday 18 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

At Sahasrara we can let go of all our worries, opinions, and frustrations. We can offer them to the silence above the top of the head. This is where our attention joins the universal, Divine attention.

“Sahaja Yoga is like building first the pinnacle of the building, and then the foundation. Opening your Sahasrara was the first thing that was achieved. And then in the light of Sahasrara you have to watch yourself and see for yourself.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 39: Our Refuge | Tuesday 19 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

At Sahasrara our ignorance and confusion is transformed into pure understanding and knowledge. No longer separate and isolated, our individual attention joins the collective attention — the Divine attention. We rise above all the limitations of our human awareness. The culmination of our seeking, at Sahasrara we are comforted and redeemed.

“Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 40: Divine Sounds of the Chakras | Wednesday 20 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will clear our upper chakras and then have a session of “bija mantras.” Bīja means ‘seed’ and bīja mantras are single syllable sounds which resonate with the divine qualities of our chakras to clear them.

“Sanskrit has come out of Kundalinî’s movement when She makes a sound. All was recorded by the great saints and like that every chakra has got vowels and consonants according to the number of sub-plexuses they have — you can say petals they have — and all of them make the alphabets of Sanskrit language.” – Shri Mataji

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DAY 41: Collectivity | Thursday 21 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We can enjoy true collectivity if we know how to balance ourselves and use compassion and wisdom in our relationships.

“After you get your realization you enter into a new awareness of collectivity. You become the collective consciousness.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 42: Mother Earth | Friday 22 Apr 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

When we bring our attention to the Mother Earth, she has the power to soothe us down and purify our attention.

“We have to understand the connection and the symbolic expression of the Mother Earth within ourselves.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 6 (Day 43 to Day 63) Journey within | Sunday 1st May to Thursday 16th June 2022

DAY 43: Inner Peace and World Peace | Sunday 01 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Inner peace is the foundation of world peace. Through the enlightenment of our awareness and the opening of our heart, our inner calm creates harmony with others, no matter their country or culture. True peace prevails, long standing wounds heal and we have a hope of saving the planet.

“Peace can be only achieved by establishing peace in the hearts of the people” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 44: Introduction to Mantras | Tuesday 03 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Mantras are used in Sahaja Yoga to cleanse the chakras and establish their Divine qualities. Most mantras are recited in Sanskrit, a deeply spiritual language.

“You have to have complete faith in yourself and that your Self is nothing but innocence.” — Shri Mataji

Download From Mantras to Silence Booklet

The “From Mantras to Silence” booklet will help you learn more about the subtle system and how affirmations and mantras can strengthen your meditation experience. Learn how to establish self realization, clear your chakras, awaken the powers within the chakras, and solve all types of mental, physical and emotional problems.

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DAY 45: The Opening of the Sahasrara | Thursday 05 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The tradition of yoga was one disciple and one teacher, and a lifetime of cleansing to awaken each chakra. Shri Mataji, by opening the Sahasrara chakra, made it possible for millions of people to effortlessly achieve their self-realization.

“As soon as the Kundalini enters into the limbic area, she soothes it and it opens, like a lotus, thousand-petalled lotus. It opens and then the Kundalini emerges out of your fontanelle bone area and gets connected to the all-pervading power.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 46: Removing Obstacles | Sunday 08 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We demonstrate how to remove the obstacles we face in our daily lives and in our personal growth.

“All those things or obstacles which block or stop you from reaching your depth should be removed by loving yourself, by watching yourself and by understanding that I have this problem within. I have to remove this problem.”

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DAY 47: Overcoming Lethargy | Tuesday 10 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We’ll work on clearing our left channel to remove the heaviness that keeps us stuck and unable to enjoy the present.

“On the moon line if you go too far it can be destructive. Because if you sit in the house doing nothing… then you start thinking too much, and this thinking is just the desire energy working out, no action.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 48: Developing Dynamism | Thursday 12 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will practice techniques to clear the right channel, so that we can accomplish amazing things without inflating our ego.

“The love that I’m talking about, the divine love, makes you not only strong but dynamic. It is the greatest luminous power that we can think of…. The dynamic power of love can transcend all the evil powers of the world.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 49: The Central Path of Transformation | Sunday 15 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Our evolution so far has brought us to great heights of creativity and technology. When our central channel is enlightened and the Sahasrara is open, we continue to evolve and realize our full potential.

“In our evolution, whatever we have achieved has come in our awareness. That means it should become a part and parcel of our awareness. Like, as I can see you, I can feel you, in the same way you should be able to see. And through that light we should be able to explain each and every thing.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 50: Pure knowledge | Tuesday 17 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Pure knowledge is connected to our own self-awareness and subjective experiences after we receive our self realization. These experiences clarify and correct whatever we learn through books, discussion and analysis.

“In our evolution, whatever we have achieved has come in our awareness. Like, as I can see you, I can feel you, in the same way you should be able to see. And through that light we should be able to explain each and every thing.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 51: Generosity | Thursday 19 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When the Nabhi chakra is clear, we feel complete contentment. Then we don’t need to cling onto material objects to feel fulfilled. We realize the true value of things is in giving them to people as expressions of our love.

“Somebody likes a particular thing – you go all the way to get it and give that small thing, very small thing, to the person and the joy, not out of the money that you have spent, but the feelings you have expressed of knowing what that person would love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 52: Finding peace and quiet inside ourselves | Sunday 22 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The world of work and the world created by the media distracts us from the peace that is within ourselves. Today we will go deep into meditation, free of thoughts and reactions.

“You don’t have to worry for anything, don’t have to think about anything, you don’t have to plan about anything. Only thing is, you have to jump into it, just jump into it and know that you have become part and parcel of the reality.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 53: Confucious and Socrates are within us | Tuesday 24 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In Sahaja Yoga, ten aspects of the guru are awakened in the Void. In meditation, we discover the wisdom of great sages is within us.

“You should have your own ideas. You shouldn’t worry what Plato said and what Socrates said and what this thing said. What do you think? After all, you are enlightened people.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 54: The Teachings of Kabir | Thursday 26 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Kabir was a great poet and realized soul. We will explore the subtle meaning of his poetry and enjoy meditating to renditions of his poems set to music.

“Kabir says that if by shaving your head you meet the Divine, then the goat and sheep get shaved every day – these must be close to God.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 55: Becoming Fearless | Sunday 29 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
As we strengthen our divine qualities, nothing can pull us off balance. Nothing can tempt us, and nothing can dominate us.

“You get rid of all your fear, but you do not dominate anyone. You love. In your love you are secure. It is not by domination but the security that you are love, you are compassion.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 56: Speaking with a Clear Vishuddhi Chakra | Tuesday 31 May 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our fifth center is clear, our speech reflects our love and compassion.

“What is the essence of this diplomacy? It is benevolence. You have to achieve the benevolence of the whole humanity.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 57: Shri Buddha | Thursday 02 June 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Buddha means the one who is enlightened. We will meditate on the teachings of Buddha and focus on the Right Agnya chakra where the divine principles of his teachings become enlightened within us.

“When Buddha was tired, finished… then he got his realization. When you stop your efforts then only you will get your realization.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 58: The Breakthrough | Sunday 05 June 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We have received our self-realization through Sahaja Yoga. We can now experience an internal transformation that comes with this breakthrough when we honor and maintain it through meditation.

“We are seekers of truth, and we are seekers of peace within, silence within, the love within, and that power that gives you, empowers you, to love others.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 59: From Agnya to Sahasrara | Tuesday 07 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
It’s easy to get stuck in our Agnya chakra, distracted by thoughts and fighting with our own ego. We will focus on opening the pathway from Agnya to Sahasrara with songs and guided meditation.

“This ego cannot take away our joy. Anywhere such idea just comes into your head tell them, ‘Now Mister ego, I know you very well.’ In the light of Buddha you can see your ego very clearly.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 60: Attention and Effortlessness in Meditation | Thursday 09 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will learn the importance of effortlessness as it relates to getting into the state of meditation by letting the subtle energy guide our attention to the Sahasrara.

“We are very powerful people, but if we fritter away our attention we become very, very weak people.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 61: Clearing our Chakras and Getting to Silence | Sunday 12 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Today we collectively balance our left and right sides and remove blockages in our chakras. This enhances our enjoyment of collective meditation.

“We are here to become those unique personalities which are required to raise the humanity to a higher state. So you have to be now responsible for yourself. You have to look after yourself.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 62: The Elements and Nature | Tuesday 14 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

Day 62 Handout

We will explore our subtle relationship to nature and learn the mantras for the five elements – earth, fire, water, air and ether.

“In Sahaja Yoga it’s one of the biggest mantras for all the Western people. They should all the time say to all the trees, all the nature around: “I am not guilty.” Your ecological problem will improve because then you won’t do wrong things to spoil your ecology.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 63: Bija Mantras | Thursday 16 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
“Sahaja Yoga is a very subtler happening within us…. This subtler happening gives you sensitivity to Divine joy.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 7 (Day 64 to 84) Deepening the silence | From Tuesday 28 June 2022 to Sunday 14 August 2022

DAY 64: Developing Patience | Tuesday 28 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we feel that something isn’t moving as quickly as we want it to, we often become impatient. When we have moments of “waiting,” let’s not only accept them, but see how they give us opportunities to expand and sustain our state of meditation.

”Have patience with yourself as I have with you. You have to have patience.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 65: Dharma | Thursday 30 Jun 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In Sahaja Yoga, as we strengthen the principles of each chakra, we automatically become righteous and avoid any kind of extreme behavior.

“There’s no temptation. There is no mental activity, either. There is no stealing nor telling lies. Such a person is extremely honest and fearless.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 66: Kundalini is our individual mother | Sunday 3 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
During our meditation today we will focus on the purity and power of our Kundalini.

“She gives us a second birth because she understands everything. She knows everything. She organizes everything. She brings forth all the beauty that you are.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 67: Enlightened Choices | Tuesday 5 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In our freedom, we can make choices that further our spiritual growth, or that slow it down. In the state of meditation we ask the Divine to guide us in making important decisions in our lives.

“You have to choose your liberation through your own freedom of choice.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 68: Not Reacting | Thursday 7 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we don’t react, we maintain our inner balance. In a state of witnessing we allow the truth of a situation to emerge.

“Now with Realization what happens, the Spirit doesn’t take note of all this stimulus…. It is just witnessing the play as a drama and a joke. It doesn’t react to it as human beings do. And that’s how the stress stops, drops out.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 69: Respect Your Self Realization | Sunday 10 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Even though getting our self realization is effortless, we can only grow in our awareness and knowledge if we practice Sahaja Yoga every day.

“It should be your own — that you should be able to maneuver yourself, you should be able to handle it yourself, should be your own power which should express it. I just cannot say, ‘Alright, done. Now you are a member of Sahaja Yoga.’” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 70: Purity in Brother / Sister Relationships | Tuesday 12 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The basis of all relationships in Sahaja Yoga is purity. For men, every woman is their sister, and for women, every man is their brother.

“Our attention has to be so pure that it should not waste any one of our energies. You know that with purity in your eyes, even a glance can create such a beautiful life for others. Even a glance.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 71: Balancing responsibilities and mental well-being | Thursday 14 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Regularly practicing Sahaja Yoga helps maintain balance in our daily lives. In a state of meditation we can face the demands placed on us by work and family without becoming upset or angry.

“When you are in that silence, you are in the silence of the cosmos, silence of the cosmos. And the silence of the cosmos works for you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 72: Short Mantras | Sunday 17 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Sometimes our Kundalini is stopped by a blockage in a chakra, and we cannot fully enjoy the state of meditation. We can assist the movement of our Kundalini by saying from our heart Sanskrit syllable or phrase, such as “om.”

“What you have to know: where the Kundalini is, how it is moving, where it is, what is the chakra catching and what is the mantra for that.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 73: Musical Journey up the Central Channel | Tuesday 19 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will travel from Mooladhara to Sahasrara with mantras and music that clear each chakra and bring out their divine qualities.

“The whole sensitivity changes. You start understanding what music is good for your Spirit.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 74: Vibratory awareness and compassion | Thursday 21 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
As we become more sensitive to the vibrations and to the state of our subtle system, we find that we can feel the energy of the people and places that we encounter. This awareness gives us insight, compassion and a better understanding of how we can be helpful to others.

“Ours is a path of knowledge—knowledge that is love, knowledge that is compassion.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 75: Vibrating food and water | Sunday 24 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
With our attention on Sahasrara, we can use our hands to give divine vibrations to our food. We can also vibrate water for drinking, cooking and other purposes.

“A person who is a holy person, he touches anything, it vibrates. He touches water, it vibrates. Anything you touch, anything you feel, it vibrates it.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 76: The road, the map and the journey | Tuesday 26 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will identify triggers that distract our attention from our Spirit. We will also practice simple exercises to steady our attention so we can more fully enjoy the silence of meditation.

“Becoming innocent, the attention becomes very steady. This steady attention penetrates deeply into any enterprise you take up.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 77: Improving our Attention | Thursday 28 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will identify triggers that distract our attention from our Spirit. We will also practice simple exercises to steady our attention so we can more fully enjoy the silence of meditation.

“Becoming innocent, the attention becomes very steady. This steady attention penetrates deeply into any enterprise you take up.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 78: The job of a yogi | Sunday 31 Jul 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The most important job of a Sahaja Yogi is to give love to people. Without any artificiality, we give love from our wisdom and our concern.

“Your energy comes from the Spirit, which is love. In one word it is love. And in three words, it is truth, it is attention and it is joy. All put together it is love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 79: Becoming more sensitive to pure knowledge | Tuesday 2 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Pure knowledge reveals itself through the vibrations in our hands, sensations in the chakras, and in a spontaneous way of knowing. We will explore how this enlightened Divine knowledge works in our everyday lives.

“As we have grown outside, this knowledge has also grown deep. If we do not have the knowledge of the roots, this big tree will fall over. So we have to have the knowledge of the roots.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 80: Allowing Divine love to solve our problems | Thursday 4 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We spend a lot of attention and energy on finding solutions to our problems. What if there is a way to enlist the help of the Divine energy? Let’s experiment with this together.

“Yoga means union with the Divine. Also yoga means deftness, expertise. You have to have expertise how to use, how to maneuver the energy when you become realized.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 81: Which chakra is blocked? | Sunday 7 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will review the position of the chakras on our hands and collectively clear our subtle system.

“The best thing to keep your chakras clear is to first of all keep your heart clean.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 82: The daily play of our lives | Tuesday 9 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)

We take on different roles in our daily lives. When we remain in thoughtless awareness, we can witness the drama and enjoy the comedy.

“You will enjoy everything. You become a witness to a drama, like let’s say the drama going on, you watch the drama and you are involved into it, but once the drama is over, then you will say ‘Oh, I am here, I am just a spectator, I am not in the drama.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 83: Practicing Sahaja Yoga every day | Thursday 11 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
A daily routine that includes morning and evening meditation, foot soaking, and giving a bandhan before leaving the house impacts our level of attention throughout the day.

“This is something which has to be practiced in everyday life with your friends and things. It’s something which grows within us. It’s not any teaching as such. It is the growth that takes place.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 84: Four Pillars of Growth in Sahaja Yoga | Sunday 14 Aug 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will assess how far we have progressed in our meditation, purification, introspection, and collectivity.

“If you take to introspection, you will be surprised to see, yes, you have these powers and you can do wonders.” — Shri Mataji

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Session 8 (Day 85 to Day 108) The Joy of the Spirit | From Thursday 8 September 2022 to Sunday 4 December 2022

DAY 85: Feeling the Joy of the Spirit | Thursday 8 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When our Kundalini is awakened, our Spirit gets enlightened. We will share the different ways we feel the joy of our Spirit through the practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

“You all will have a deeper insight into yourself, and you’ll enjoy the bliss and joy of the Spirit and feel the power of collective consciousness within you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 86: The Light of the Spirit | Sunday 11 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The more we meditate, the more we feel that we are one with our Spirit. In this state of joy, our Spirit shines.

“Once you become the Spirit you will enjoy the light of the Spirit, and the light of the Spirit is love.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 87: The Hamsa Chakra | Thursday 15 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Part of the Vishuddhi Chakra, the Hamsa Chakra gives us the discretion to make the right choice in any situation.

“You have to be discreet. And the best way to be safe on discretion is to keep in the center. Never go to any extreme of anything.“ — Shri Mataji

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DAY 88: Becoming Discreet | Sunday 18 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will focus on methods in Sahaja Yoga to improve our discretion.

“Discretion — how to deal with people, how to understand them, how to understand the situation — everything develops because you become the knowledge.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 89: The Qualities of the Spirit – Sat, Chit, Ananda | Thursday 22 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will go deep into ourselves and experience the subtle qualities of truth (sat), attention and consciousness (chit), and joy (ananda).

“Spirit has got three qualities. Satchitananda — Sat, chit, Ananda. Sat means truth, Chit means attention, Ananda means joy.” — Shri Mataji, Sydney, Australia, April 3, 1981

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DAY 90: Using the Attention to Raise the Kundalini | Sunday 25 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
It is powerful to use our hands to raise our Kundalini and put ourselves in bandhan – but we can also do this just with our attention.

“The Spirit starts emitting its own light into our attention. Then your attention becomes powerful.” — Shri Mataji, Frankfurt, Germany, July 13, 1988

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DAY 91: Enlightened Creativity | Thursday 29 Sep 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
When we are at Sahasrara the Divine creative force flows through us.

“So many artists, so many musicians and so many writers have really contributed to the central path of Sushumna…. They were realized souls.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 92: The Divinity Within Each of Us | Sunday 2 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
In meditation we may recognize a great teacher and enlightened ideas, but essential to our spiritual growth is recognizing our own divinity.

“We are really majestically divine and we have to touch the divinity within us. You will be amazed to know how great you are.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 93: Enlightened Devotion | Thursday 6 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Inspiring poems by Guru Nanak, Kabir and others take us into meditation and strengthen our connection to the Divine Power.

“There are 17 great saints who have talked about Kundalini in the 16th century. One of them was Guru Nanak — who has clearly said that you have to seek it within — and Kabir, who is also included in the Grantha Sahib.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 94: Giving Self-Realization to Others | Sunday 9 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will demonstrate some different ways that we can give Self-Realization to other people.

“Any Self-realized person in Sahaja Yoga can raise the Kundalini, and can give Self-realization to others – immediately after they have touched the Sahasrara.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 95: Divine Protection | Thursday 13 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will meditate on our center heart chakra to strengthen our confidence in the Power of Divine Love to protect and nourish us.

“Divine love gives you that warmth needed, that strength needed, that confidence needed. Everything is given to you by that Divine love. So, one has to realize that it is love — and love and love — is the basis of all this creation.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 96: Getting Past Agnya | Sunday 16 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Introspecting, opening the heart, and surrendering is the best way to go thoughtless.

“This kundalini crosses this Agnya chakra, the sixth center — a person becomes absolutely peaceful and without thoughts.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 97: Mental Wellness | Thursday 20 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Claiming our joy solves our problems.

“So every moment count your blessings… That is how you are going to have the joy of Sahaja Yoga.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 98: Getting into the Boat | Sunday 23 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Now that we have our Self-Realization, we can “get into the boat” to be in a witness state, in thoughtless awareness.

“You are standing in the water, and there are waves around and you are frightened. But if you are put in the boat you start seeing those things. If you know how to swim you can enjoy those waves.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 99: The Meaning of AUM | Thursday 27 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We focus on understanding the meaning of AUM and how we can incorporate it in our daily meditation.

“When all these sounds are sounded together and pass through the spiral of the body, if the body is like a conch, the sound that comes out of the synthesis is Aum.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 100: Keeping our Attention on our Spirit | Sunday 30 Oct 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
The Kundalini, our power of pure desire, has connected us to our Spirit. How can we keep our attention focused on our Spirit in everyday life?

“After establishing your sustained attention on the Spirit you will develop a state where you’ll be in a complete state of witnessing with joy.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 101: Shri Mataji | Thursday 3 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will talk about Shri Mataji as a Guru and as a Mother. Sahaja Yogis who had the privilege of meeting Shri Mataji in person will share personal experiences.

“I am not a Guru. I am a mother, and I am going to tell you the truth about everything whether you like it or not.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 102: Subtle Qualities of the Water and Earth | Sunday 6 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will learn about the subtle aspects of the elements of water and earth.

“You should be like the water, which is mobile, which is cooling, which is soothing, which is cleansing.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 103: Introspection | Thursday 10 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Introspection in Sahaja Yoga is not a mental process. Looking inward, we discover the truth about ourselves in a state of thoughtless awareness.

“In a state where you are thoughtlessly aware, introspection comes to you automatically…. You do not think about it, it just comes to you.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 104: Creation and Evolution | Sunday 13 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will listen to Shri Mataji explain the process of creation of the universe and how the evolutionary process created human beings.

“You must have that self-esteem that you are a human being.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 105: Right Vishuddhi: the Power of Sincerity | Thursday 17 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
Our right Vishuddhi plays an important role in how we communicate, listen, and relate to ourselves and others. We will learn how to nurture and cleanse this important chakra.

“You have to communicate with complete humility.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 106: Stories about Shri Mataji and Spiritual Growth | Sunday 20 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will share personal experiences and stories about Shri Mataji that have had a transformative impact on our lives and on our understanding of Sahaja Yoga.

“I am a mother. I’m not here to dominate or to curb your personality. I’m here to nourish you, to make you grow.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 107: More Stories about Shri Mataji and Spiritual Growth | Sunday 27 Nov 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will share more personal experiences and stories about Shri Mataji that have had a transformative impact on our lives and on our understanding of Sahaja Yoga.

“You have to really mother others, and have that feeling of compassion and love for others.” — Shri Mataji

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DAY 108: How Have We Progressed? | Sunday 04 Dec 2022 8:45PM (New York time)
We will take stock of how we have benefited from attending this course, and look ahead to the next steps in our spiritual growth.

“We are all potentially divine. We have to just feel that divinity within us.” – Shri Mataji

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Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from this Course are available here.

Some information here is very 'advanced', so you should ensure you have completed the whole course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don't hesitate to ask questions about the material during the Course sessions or when you are in contact with one of our mentors.


RESOURCES - Daily session handouts


Download “Affirmations for Self Realization”

We place our right hand on our torso and head in certain places, such as the left hip and the forehead. In Sahaja Yoga, these actions and affirmations connect our sincere desire to become our true selves to our own power to become our true selves. The result is a state of meditation, free from thoughts about the past or the future. This is Self Realization. This process is covered in Day 1’s session recording.


Download “Raising the Kundalini & Giving a Bandhan.”

Begin and end your meditation with the movements described on this page. They help to bring your attention into the present and sustain the state of calmness and inner silence. These techniques are demonstrated in Day 2’s session recording.


The state of meditation can be enhanced by taking a little time each day to sit and meditate. A daily routine is explained in Day 3’s session recording.


Balancing Techniques

Thoughts are generally about the past or the future. Sahaja Yoga Meditation helps us to establish ourselves in the present, without any thought. We balance the left and right channels of our subtle system using these techniques. They are demonstrated in Day 4’s session recording.


The Subtle Energy System

Every human being has a subtle system of seven energy centers, or chakras. When a chakra is in balance, it helps keep an aspect of our lives in balance. For example, when the third center (nabhi chakra) is in balance, we tend to be more peaceful and generous. We introduce the chakras in Day 5’s session recording.


Using ice to cool down our right side

Download Ice Treatment Handout

When we think and plan too much, we ‘heat up’ our right side. An ice pack helps to ‘cool down’ an overheated right side. We demonstrate how to use an ice pack in Day 8’s session recording below.


Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph, we become calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the photograph and we remove our shoes.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating.

All images are in jpg format and are ready for printing. For best print quality, use a high resolution printer or take the files, on an SD card or USB drive, to a digital photo lab for printing.

Image sizes available
Photo 1: 4″ x 6″ (10cm x 15cm) 1800 x 1200 pixels.
Photo 2: 5″ x 7″ (13cm x 18cm) 2100 x 1500 pixels.
To download an image, right-click on the image and save the file to your computer or device.


Download Candle Treatment Handout

When we seem to have no motivation or a heavy, low-energy feeling, it might reflect the state of our left side. We can use a candle to clear the left side and feel more energized. We demonstrate how to use a candle in Day 9’s session recording below.

“The Three Great Mantras.”

This is the recording we play at the beginning of every class in this 21-day course. It is called “The Three Great Mantras.” Chakras can be cleared using techniques, elements, music, and reciting mantras. The Three Great Mantras are recited to open the seventh center – the Sahasrara Chakra.

DAY 11

The fundamental quality of the Mooladhara chakra is innocence. This is the basis of righteous behavior. Your innocence can never be destroyed, but it may be masked by your ego and conditionings, just as the sun may be covered by clouds.

A balanced Mooladhara helps you maintain and increase your inner wisdom. It also leads to improved memory, attention and focus.

DAY 12

Download Swadisthana Chakra

: Excessive thinking and planning can exhaust the Swadisthana chakra. Our creativity blossoms when this chakra is clear. When we are able to get things done while maintaining our inner silence, we are less likely to get tired, and we will accomplish our goals with spontaneity and joy.

DAY 13

(Nabhi and Void handouts): Our seeking originates in this chakra, whether it be for food and water, or for self-knowledge and our spiritual evolution.

A clear Nabhi is vital to achieving the state of thoughtless awareness and clear attention.

DAY 14

Download the Heart Chakra

The fundamental quality of the Heart chakra is unconditional love. As the chakra clears, you experience pure joy and pure attention. You discover your place in the world and your purpose.

DAY 15

Download Vishuddhi Chakra

A clear Vishuddhi chakra allows you to witness events calmly, without judgement and without feeling guilty.

DAY 16

Download Agnya Chakra Handout

To balance your Agnya chakra, meditate outdoors while looking at the sky. You can place your right hand on your forehead, tilt your head slightly forward and say, “I forgive everyone, including myself.

DAY 17

Download Sahasrara Chakra Handout

When your Sahasrara Chakra opens, your human awareness has united with the Divine, and your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual selves become integrated.

RESOURCES - Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the Power that created you.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Your Self Realisation
Today, you have been introduced to Sahaja Yoga Meditation and received your Self Realisation. Self-Realisation occurs when the Kundalini, a mothering energy within all of us, is awakened and connects us to the all-pervading power.

Through regular meditation, we strengthen our Kundalini to cleanse and balance our energy centres (chakras). Meditation allows us to go beyond our thoughts (thoughtless awareness) to experience inner peace and silence. Regular meditation only takes a few minutes and really works!

Try the meditation
Sit quietly for a few moments and hold out your hands, palms upward, towards the photograph. You may feel a cool or warm breeze and your thoughts may quieten. Continue meditating in silence for 5 to 10 minutes.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

About Sahaja Yoga Meditation
True meditation is a personal experience, where one goes beyond thoughts, worries, and upsets. One is calm and peaceful through ‘thoughtless awareness’- that is, no unwanted thoughts but fully aware. Sahaja Yoga meditation is used by millions globally, with minimal disruption to daily routines, to actually achieve inner balance, joy and improvements in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Sahaja, Saha means ‘with’, Ja means ‘born’. Born with you. That is spontaneous. Yoga means Union with the Divine. So, Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of your Self with the Divine.

Who is Shri Mataji?
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (or ‘Mother’, as she is affectionately known) founded Sahaja Yoga meditation in 1970. For over 40 years, she gave thousands of lectures and taught millions around the world how to meditate easily. Born in 1923 in India, she worked with Mahatma Gandhi and was very involved in India’s fight for independence. She was a mother and grandmother and a descendant of an Indian royal family.

The Subtle System
Overlaying our nervous system, resides a subtle system comprising of energy channels (‘Nadis’, see A to C on diagram) and centres of energy (‘Chakras’, see 1 to 7 on diagram). This system looks after our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Upon ‘Self Realisation’, our spirit is awakened, and the subtle system connects to the all-pervading life force that nourishes and balances it through true meditation.

The Subtle System

How do I learn more?
To help you understand this new experience, you are invited to free online courses or weekly classes where collective meditations will establish your Self Realisation. You will learn how to maintain inner balance throughout the day and read and correct any imbalances in your subtle system. Classes are held in over 100 countries worldwide. Suitable for newcomers and regular meditators. No booking needed and everything is provided. Classes are always free of charge.

More Information & Online Resources
Online resources with video and audio meditations, meditative music, balancing techniques, printed guides and talks by Shri Mataji (founder). Live Streaming meditation webcasts. Podcasts with guided meditations, music and talks. Newsletter sign up for news and events.

RESOURCES - Meditation & Balancing Guide

Use this Guide to learn simple meditation and balancing techniques to help you experience the peace of true meditation. If this is your first meditation, then please follow the ‘Affirmation for Meditation’ steps for your Self-Realisation to activate your inner-being.

Download Meditation & Balancing Guide


  • How to Meditate at Home – The aim of every meditation is to feel balanced, relaxed and reach the thoughtless state and sustain yourself there as long as you can. This guide show you steps for your morning and evening meditations.
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Materials Required
– Shri Mataji’s photograph in a frame (recommended natural material)
– Candle and candle stand
– A clean pedestal or table for the photograph and candle

Shri Mataji’s photos can be downloaded from here: https://www.freemeditation.com.au/21days/#photos

Having this simple and beautiful setup at your home will not only help you get into the practice of meditation, but will also create a positive balance and energy in your home.

Try it yourself and see the difference…

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photographs, our Subtle system comes into balance and is cleared through the positive vibrations that are emitted from her photographs. As result, we become more relaxed and calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the meditation table and meditate with shoes removed. We can sit on a chair or floor, whichever is the most comfortable.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating. Please contact us if you’d like us to email you other photos of Shri Mataji (in different sizes) for your meditation at [email protected]

RESOURCES - The Human Subtle System with its Chakras and Nadis
The Subtle System

Our Subtle System consists of 3 Channels and 7 main Chakras. The right and left channels are the physical support of our sympathetic nervous system and the central channel is the physical support of our parasympathetic nervous system.


Energy Centres – the Chakras:

1. The Mooladhara Chakra (Innocence)
1a. The Kundalini (Mothering energy)
2. The Swadishthan Chakra (Creativity)
3. The Nabhi Chakra (Peace)
3a. The Void (the Guru principle)
4. The Anahatha Chakra (Love and Compassion)
5. The Vishuddhi Chakra (Collectivity)
6. The Agnya Chakra (Forgiveness)
7. The Sahasrara Chakra (Integration).

Energy Channels – the Nadis:

A. The Right Channel (Physical and mental activity)
B. The Left Channel (Emotions and desires)
C. The Central Channel (Ascent and spiritual growth)

  • Our Right channel (yellow line), governs our physical, creative or mental activity. It is the channel of action and the future.
  • Our Left channel (blue line), manages our emotions and desires. It is the channel of our past.
  • The Central channel (white line), manages our autonomous functions ( heartbeat, etc…). The Kundalini energy rises up the central channel when we receive our Self-Realisation. It is the channel of our spiritual evolution, the Present.
  • The Chakras – the Sanskrit word “chakra” means “wheel”. These energy centers or chakras ( numbers 1 to 7 in above diagram) correspond to our main nervous plexuses in the body. Each chakra has its own qualities.

By regular practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation, you obtain the knowledge of your chakras, how to improve and look after them, in a very natural and spontaneous way. Your innate qualities start to manifest themselves. You can feel the state of your subtle system and by using simple techniques, you can maintain it in a balanced state.

We give guidelines of these techniques in our weekly classes in your local area. They are always free. Find free classes in your country.

Out of all the energies that sustain us, there is one which is the mother of all other energies. This dormant is of a spiritual nature. It manifests the love that the Divine has for us.

It is called Kundalini and she exists within everyone as a great potential of inner wellbeig. This living energy is waiting to reveal itself to us. Sahaja Yoga meditation starts with the natural awakening of this energy. The spiritual energy that is within us is called Kundalini.

The Kundalini resides in the sacrum bone. This is the triangular bone which is located at the base of the spinal column. When this energy awakens, it activates the central channel and passes through the chakras to come out and can be perceived as a flood, gush, spurt (of coolness) in the fontanelle bone area. Once this energy has been awakened we can perceive its manifestation in a concrete way. A new state of awareness is established within us.

Self-Realisation – the Awakening of the Kundalini mother energy.

As soon as we have felt the condition of our chakras, we can improve them. We have the tools to progress easily with discrimination in our spiritual evolution.

The Kundalini awakening is an indisputable discovery. For the first time, we have the chance to change ourselves and become independent.


Introduction to the three channels of our Subtle System by Shri Mataji.

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RESOURCES VIDEOS - Clearing, balancing and meditation techniques

Selection of videos about Sahaja Yoga meditation and its many techniques to assist with balancing and clearing the subtle system to ensure peaceful and joy meditations free from thoughts.

RESOURCES - Preparing for Footsoaking and Candle Clearing Treatments

How to prepare for the Footsoaking

‘Footsoaking’ is a clearing techniques to bring balance to your inner subtle system and energy centres.

Please have the items below available so you can participate in Footsoaking sessions:

Items required:

  • A Footsoak bowl: A plastic or metal bowl for soaking your feet. It should be deep enough so you can put your feet flat in it and cover your ankles, if possible. Fill the Footsoak bowl with cool or warm water.
  • Half a cup of table or cooking salt. (Not Epsom salts)
  • Jug or bottle of clean water to rinse your feet when finished.
  • A towel/cloth or paper towels to dry your feet after rinsing your feet.

Footsoak treatment
(We’ll show you how to do this treatment during the webcast.)

How to prepare for the Candle Treatment

The Candle treatment is used to clear our ‘left channel’ of imbalances. As a safety precaution, do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near any combustible materials. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or the floor for this session.

Please have the items below available so you can participate in the Candle Treatment session:

  • A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate.
  • Matches/lighter.

Candle treatment
(We’ll show you how to do this treatment during the webcast session.)

RESOURCES MUSIC - Meditative music

Ragas/Songs for the Chakras
Selection of Ragas (Songs with mantras) which are a melodic mode of Indian classical music that focus on each chakra of the Subtle System. Listening to the music can help to clear the chakras when meditating.

  1. Raga for Mooladhara Chakra
  2. Raga for Swadistan Chakra
  3. Raga for Nabhi Chakra
  4. Raga for Void area
  5. Raga for Left Heart Chakra
  6. Raga for Center Heart Chakra
  7. Raga for Vishuddhi Chakra
  8. Raga for Agnya Chakra
  9. Raga for Sahastrara Chakra

Meditation music with Didgeridoo instrument.
The didgeridoo is a wind instrument, played with continuously vibrating lips to produce a continuous drone while using a special breathing technique called circular breathing. The didgeridoo was developed by Aboriginal peoples of northern Australia at least 1,500 years ago, and is now in use around the world, though still most strongly associated with Indigenous Australian music.

The Didgeridoo represents the earthy sounds of the Mooladhara chakra which is located at the base of the spine. The chakra has the qualities of innocence and wisdom and manifests in Uluru (Ayers Rock) located in central Australia. The Mooladhara chakra is symbolized by the elephant headed child – Shri Ganesha.

All this music is performed by musicians who practice Sahaja Yoga meditation.

  1. Omkara Pradhana (Marathi)
  2. Shri Ganesha Kinaryala Lau (Marathi)
  3. Invocation To Shri Ganesha
  4. Tujhacha Mataji Pare
  5. Namaste Ganapataye
  6. Ganesha Mantra (Traditional)

Devotional music
Beautiful devotional music in praise of our inner Mother and the external Spirit. Sung by Anandita Basu who is a recognised name in Sahaja music, Sufi and Qawwali music from Kolkata, India. Anandita started to learn Indian Classical music at the age of 4 with her mother and Guru, Professor Anjana Basu.

  1. Anyatha Sharanam - Thou art my sole refuge
  2. Sheetal Komal Nirmal - Blessings of the Mother Kundalini,
  3. Atma Ashtakam - The Light of our Spirit
  4. Shri Mataji Ke Charano Me - I surrender to my Mother Kundalini
  5. Shri Durga Chalisa - Giver of Confidence
  6. O Lal Meri - Oh Lord,my honour

Vishwa Shanthi – Universal Silence
A presentation from the Late P.K. Salve Academy of Music and Fine Arts in India.

Sahaja Yogis from around the world attended the Academy to harness their Self Realisation to learn and develop their artistic skills. While at the academy, they produced this beautiful music that is influenced by western and traditional Indian styles.

  1. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 01 - Universal Silence
  2. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 02 - Calling Out
  3. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 03 - Touching Your Heart
  4. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 04 - Freedom Ride
  5. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 05 - Cada Dia un Poca Mas
  6. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 06 - The Majesty of the King
  7. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 07 - Tidal Wave of Love
  8. Vishwa Shanthi - Universal Silence - 08 - Vande Mataram

RESOURCES - A Beginner's Guide to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

This unique booklet is intended for people who have received their Self Realisation and have commenced daily Sahaja Yoga meditations with regular clearing and balancing.

The booklet provides in-depth information about how to meditate at home, the Subtle System and the clearing and balancing techniques.

Through regular meditation, one is able to fully absorb the divine knowledge contained in this booklet which has been shared with us by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

Download “A Beginner’s Guide to Sahaja Yoga Meditation” (PDF format 11MB size)

RESOURCES - Chakras and Plexus Knowledge

Information about the Subtle System, the Chakras and their qualities and characteristics, and where the Chakras are located in the Plexus area of the human body. A plexus is a branching network of vessels or nerves. The vessels may be blood vessels (veins, capillaries) or lymphatic vessels.

The some of chakras are located in these Plexuses areas:

  • Pelvic Plexus – Located at the base of our spine.
  • Abdominal Aortic Plexus – Located above the Sacrum Bone, in the abdominal region.
  • Solar Plexus – Located at the level of the navel.
  • Cardiac Plexus – Located at the level of the sternum bone, in the heart region.
  • Cervical Plexus – Looks after the Ears, Nose and Throat regions.

Download the “Chakras and Plexus Knowledge”

RESOURCES PODCASTS - Talks, discussions and music for mobile devices, tablet and desktop

Audio and video podcasts

Our podcasts provide listeners with guided meditations, guest speakers, music and more details about the Sahaja Yoga meditation technique. There’s also an opportunity to hear a talk by Shri Mataji (founder).

People tell us how much they enjoy the depth of ‘collective’ meditation when they attend online and weekly classes. But for the times when it’s just not possible to attend, there are podcasts!

Listen to a selection of our podcasts on your mobile device, tablet or desktop.

Audio podcasts

Video podcasts

RESOURCES - The Hamsa Chakra

The Hamsa chakra, which is part of the Vishuddhi and represented by Canada, is situated between the eyebrows, and has the qualities discretion and discrimination; It’s also called the Lambica chakra.

Treatment for the Hamsa is to put a few drops of slightly warm melted purified butter (Ghee) with a dropper into your nose and sniff it up. It avoids dryness of the inner lining. Apply it at night before sleeping.

Affirmation to clear and strengthen the Hamsa is: “Shri Mataji, by Your Grace, please give me the power of discrimination.”

Shri Mataji talks about the Hamsa Chakra

YouTube player

Advise from Shri Mataji about the Hamsa Chakra
“It is, you know, placed between the two eyebrows and two eyes represent the left and the right side. So this centre is very much guided by our eyes, by our ears, by our nose, tongue, teeth, throat. Is a very important centre because the Vishuddhi, which has to look after sixteen petals, which, sixteen petals, which look after all these ear, nose, throat, different, different organs within us, also it has to communicate with the Viraat. So it has to pass through this centre of Hamsa Chakra. Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion… the light of the Spirit, which shines through your Hamsa Chakra, gives you wisdom. Wisdom doesn’t mean that you know how to argue things or you fight with people. No, it doesn’t mean that! Wisdom means how you take to the good side of everything, to enjoy it, this is Wisdom. And that you avoid all destructive things and take to something constructive.” (1992/09/13)

“Now, how can we improve our Hamsa then? It’s a big problem, because if our Hamsa is sick, is over-conditioned. The Kundalini cannot work on it; it just gives up. Now, so for Hamsa we use all these physical things. Like I said, put the ghee in the nose. Keep it in a way that it is nourished properly. Because Kundalini, if it tries to too much attack the Hamsa, it will have a problem. Problem because, as it is most of our time we spend in such a manner that your Hamsa things become – what you call the epithelial cells, the linings – become dried out. When the Kundalini rises, She may try to create a problem more for that dryness – maybe. So it is kept out, but it has an effect in the sense that even if there is a light outside, it can fall inside.”

“So it’s not the Kundalini directly that affects your Hamsa. It is like when the Kundalini awakens, you yourself see now that a person is, whether he is fair complexion or dark complexion, he is a human being. You reason it out and Hamsa clears up. Then you see yourself that, “Oh, I’m very egoistical.” You start seeing yourself through your Agnya, start seeing that, “I’m so conditioned.” So you reason it out, and that’s how you correct your conditionings. This is what is Hamsa chakra.”

RESOURCES VIDEOS: Shri Mataji's Talks and Videos

Selection of videos by Shri Mataji on her teachings about Sahaja Yoga, Self Realisation, meditations, the subtle system, chakras and other spiritual matters.

RESOURCES - Shri Mataji's Photos for Meditation

Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photographs, our Subtle system comes into balance and is cleared through the positive vibrations that are emitted from her photographs. As result, we become more relaxed and calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the meditation table and meditate with shoes removed. We can sit on a chair or floor, whichever is the most comfortable.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating. Please contact us if you’d like us to email you other photos of Shri Mataji (in different sizes) for your meditation at [email protected]

Meditation Photos

All images are in jpg format and are ready for printing. For best print quality, use a high resolution printer or take the files, on a USB stick, to a digital photo lab for printing.

Image sizes available

  • 4″ x 6″ (10cm x 15cm) 1800 x 1200 pixels. Average file size for each image is approx 250KBs.
  • 6″ x 8″ (15 x 20cm) 2400 x 3200 pixels. Average file size for each image is approx 350KBs.

How to download: To download an image, right-click on the ‘Download’ link and save the file to your computer or device.

Using Shri Mataji’s Photograph

Short video of Shri Mataji explaining why we use her photograph for meditation.


Meditation Card

This Meditation Card contains general instructions on how to meditate with a photo of Shri Mataji and the Affirmations exercise.

Download the Meditation Card

RESOURCES - Mantras and Affirmations

“From Mantra to Silence” Booklet

This booklet will help you learn more about the subtle system and how affirmations and mantras can strengthen your meditation experience. Learn how to further enlighten your own inner system; how to identify and clear your subtle blockages; and how to deepen and enjoy the silence of thoughtless awareness.

Download “From Mantra to Silence” Booklet

RESOURCES - Useful links and websites

Free meditation classes and resources to help you discover the unique technique of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

  • Resources area – Subtle system/chakras, Glossary of Terms, printed guides, meditative music, video and audio meditations, balancing techniques and talks by Shri Mataji (founder).
  • More about Sahaja Yoga – What is Meditation? Who can do meditation? What does it cost? Who teaches the meditation? Who teaches the meditation? Getting started.
  • More about Shri Mataji – Founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation. Shri Mataji quietly transformed lives. For more than forty years, she travelled internationally, offering free public lectures and the experience of self-realization to all, regardless of race, religion or circumstance.
  • Nirmala Vidya Amruta – References to all of Shri Mataji’s talks if you want to look up a particular ailment/issue and find out Shri Mataji’s solutions to it.
  • Meditation music – Selection of music to enhance the meditation experience.
  • Resources for children – Sahaja Yogi parents who are trying to make meditation for children different and interesting for them. (Password to website is Gananayaka)
  • Online daily meditations on YouTube, Facebook and Zoom.
  • Audio podcast website On Apple podcastOn Google podcast.
  • Video podcast websiteOn Apple podcast.
  • Sahaja Yogis Experiences – Sahaja Yogis share their experiences, re-collections of memories and encounters with Shri Mataji and the practice of Sahaja Yoga. Find out about Shri Mataji’s life, and enjoy pictures taken over more than three decades in five continents.
  • Australian classes – in over 80 locations.
  • Worldwide centres – in over 100 countries.
  • Subscribe to Newsletter. – To be notified of online events, workshops and other events.
  • Contact Us – If you have any questions about our meditation then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
RESOURCES - Glossary of Terms

While participating in our sessions, you will come across several terms that may be new to you. This is an overview of the most commonly used terms…

All Pervading Power
God Almighty. Known by many names including Shiva, Allah and Yaweh.

The faculty of applying the mind and interest. Under pressure it can become short-spanned and undisciplined but through Sahaja Yoga Meditation the faculty can become focused and productive.

Balancing and Clearing
If the attention is majorly focused on right-sided activities (thinking, action, the future) or left side (reflection, emotion, the past) blockages can occur. Meditative clearing removes these blockages and allows the system to gain balance in the centre (mental silence, peace, now).

Catches occur when the efficient function of chakras is impaired. These catches block the passage of kundalini and are the causes of varying problems. When these damaged charkras are repaired through meditation the problems disappear.

Central Channel
This is the channel through which the kundalini flows. It is opened when self realisation takes place and it is the through-flow of kundalini which brings about real and enriching meditation.

These are the subtle energy centres located at the main nerve plexuses along the spine. There are seven main chakras in the human system and they relate to stages of evolution, the seventh, at the top of the head being activated by self realisation.

Cool Breeze
The energy manifested from the top of the head when self realisation takes place. It can be felt as a warmish breeze-like sensation. After meditation the energy cools down and is known as the cool breeze.

Difference between Yoga and Meditation
Yoga is the union of the kundalini with the great energy of creation that surrounds us (self realisation). Meditation takes place as a result of that joining.

Spiritual teacher, guide. Someone with their self realisation who assists others to gain their yoga.

The mothering energy that resides in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. When self realisation takes place this energy uncoils, rising through the chakras and the top of the head.

Inner Peace
Being free from mental activity. Not being concerned with memory or plans but being in the ‘now’.

Happens when deep meditation takes place. A all-embracing sense of relaxed well-being.

Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini resides in three-and-a-half coils at the base of the spine. When self realisation or kundalini awakening takes place, this energy uncoils and rises through the chakras to manifest at the top on the head.

Left Channel
This rises along the left side of the spine but at the forehead it crosses into the right hemisphere of the brain to become the superego. It is concerned with emotion, the past, insecurity, conditioning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause depression and many painful diseases.

It is a state of relaxation without mental activity. It is calming, peaceful and opens the inner pathways to health, knowledge and spiritual deepening.

Right Channel
This rises along the right side of the spine but at the forehead crosses into the left hemisphere of the brain to become the ego. It is concerned with action, the future, planning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause anger, tensions and many painless diseases.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
The word ‘Sahaja’ in Sanskrit has two components: ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘ja’ is ‘born’ – the literal translation is “innate”. Yoga means union with the divine. So, Sahaja Yoga means spontaneous and born with you meaning that the kundalini is born within us and can be awakened spontaneously, without effort. This is Self Realisation

Self Realisation
This is the yoga, the union, the joining of the individual spirit with the great energy of creation. It happens when the kundalini (life force) rises from its home in the sacrum bone along the spine and pierces the fontanelle at the top of the head.

Shri Mataji
The founder of Sahaja Yoga. She was born in 1923 in Chhindwara, India. Her father was a lawyer who spoke fourteen languages and was the first Christian Member of the Indian Parliament. Her mother was the first woman in India to receive an honours degree in mathematics. The family was deeply involved in the Indian fight for independence. Shri Mataji married C.P. Shrivastava, a diplomat who became Secretary General of the UN Maritime Organisation. She has two daughters and four grandchildren. In 1970 she discovered a way of granting spontaneous self realisation. She then travelled the world holding programs, giving self realisation and informing people of Sahaja Yoga.

The reflection of divinity within each human subtle energy system.

An intense interest in the non-material aspects of life, reality and existence after death

Subtle System
The network of chakras, channels and kundalini which define the nature of a human being at any given time. (See more here)

Thoughtless Awareness
Is meditation. All thinking stops although the consciousness of sounds around us remains. The traditional name for this very pleasant and rewarding state is mental silence.

The cool pulsing that a realised person feels (often on the palms of the hand) when the attention is focused on something or someone in balance.

The pathway to, and gaining of, self realisation. Rajah Yoga is the pathway along the right channel, Bakthi Yoga uses the left channel ‘Sahaja means born-with or spontaneous. So Sahaja Yoga draws attention to the fact that the union (self realisation) can be gained spontaneously by way of mechanisms one is born with.



Register for other courses

Please register your interest for other courses so we can keep in touch with you.
Note: You do not need to register to participate in any of our courses.

About the sessions

Newcomers and regulars will learn how to meditate and experience true meditation. During the sessions you will be guided by our online team through the three levels of knowledge and meditation experiences from beginner to intermediate to advanced. One on one help and workshops with group practice will be available.

This is a spiritual meditation whereby we awaken the inner energy that gently brings positive change within us - making us more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in daily classes you will notice increasing gaps between your thoughts and feeling more relaxed and spiritual. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is volunteer run, always free and practiced in more than 100 countries.

Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we awaken our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us – we feel more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in the daily sessions, you will notice the gap between your thoughts increasing and you will feel more relaxed, peaceful and spiritual.

About Sahaja Yoga meditation

Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.


YouTube player

More details

Sahaja Yoga Meditation North America Celebrates

World Realization Day 2023

“You must feel your depth” • Meditation & Music

Celebrated 5th May 2023

YouTube player

About Self Realization

Each year, on the 5th May, we celebrate the opening of the Sahasrara (crown) chakra by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. Self-realization is the awakening of the Kundalini, a subtle mothering energy within us that connects us to the Sahasrara which is seventh chakra of our subtle being. This enables us to experience inner balance and joy through true meditation. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Shri Mataji was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received the UN Peace Medal in 1989. She is the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, which is practised now in over 100 countries.

The Subtle System

The Subtle System. The Sahasrara (crown) chakra is number 7 in the above drawing.

“When you get your Self-realization, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that Spirit. You become a witness of the whole world, like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations”.

“Self-realization makes us humble … replace temper with compassion … the more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be”.

Shri Mataji - Founder of Sahaja Yoga

Can’t wait? Learn more and receive your Self-realization

To receive your Self-realization, join us and let yourself be guided through the simple process of Kundalini awakening and learn how to meditate. Suitable for newcomers and regular Sahaja Yoga meditators.

Above video is the recording from the Live Stream on 5th May 2019

"You must feel your depth."

"Firstly, you must feel your depth. If you don’t feel your depth and you are not one with your personality which is so deep, then you cannot enjoy the Self-realization. First of all, you should understand yourself. If you don’t understand yourself, how can you understand other people? You cannot. So first this Sahasrara should be opened out fully: ‘fully’ means complete oneness with the Divine. That is not difficult. Only you have to meditate a little bit and then it will work out. It has worked out in many people. I am very happy to see, and meet such people in Sahaja Yoga who have achieved such a lot of collectivity and also the awareness of a realised-soul."

Shri Mataji - Sahasrara Day 5th May 2002 Italy

In-person and online Classes

Sahaja Yoga meditation offers free online Daily sessions, Courses and In-person Classes • All are suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators. • No prior knowledge or experience of meditation required.
All Online and In-person classes are Always Free.

Find an In-person class

Live online sessions and others courses

More information



The Subtle System

Within every human being there is a Subtle System that comprises of energy centres and channels which look after our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. During the Course, you will experience to how to enlighten, nourish and balance the System.

Diagram of The Subtle System

Animation of the Kundalini (Mothering energy) rising

YouTube player


Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from this Course are available here.

Some information here is very ‘advanced’, so you should ensure you have completed the whole course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about the material during the Course sessions or when you are in contact with one of our mentors.

RESOURCES - Daily session handouts


Download “Affirmations for Self Realization”

We place our right hand on our torso and head in certain places, such as the left hip and the forehead. In Sahaja Yoga, these actions and affirmations connect our sincere desire to become our true selves to our own power to become our true selves. The result is a state of meditation, free from thoughts about the past or the future. This is Self Realization. This process is covered in Day 1’s session recording.


Download “Raising the Kundalini & Giving a Bandhan.”

Begin and end your meditation with the movements described on this page. They help to bring your attention into the present and sustain the state of calmness and inner silence. These techniques are demonstrated in Day 2’s session recording.


The state of meditation can be enhanced by taking a little time each day to sit and meditate. A daily routine is explained in Day 3’s session recording.


Balancing Techniques

Thoughts are generally about the past or the future. Sahaja Yoga Meditation helps us to establish ourselves in the present, without any thought. We balance the left and right channels of our subtle system using these techniques. They are demonstrated in Day 4’s session recording.


The Subtle Energy System

Every human being has a subtle system of seven energy centers, or chakras. When a chakra is in balance, it helps keep an aspect of our lives in balance. For example, when the third center (nabhi chakra) is in balance, we tend to be more peaceful and generous. We introduce the chakras in Day 5’s session recording.


Using ice to cool down our right side

Download Ice Treatment Handout

When we think and plan too much, we ‘heat up’ our right side. An ice pack helps to ‘cool down’ an overheated right side. We demonstrate how to use an ice pack in Day 8’s session recording below.


Using Shri Mataji’s photograph for meditation

We have found that by meditating in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph, we become calmer as we experience the inner joy of the Spirit in our heart. We follow the traditional respect and protocol of not placing our feet pointing towards the photograph and we remove our shoes.

If you wish to use Shri Mataji’s photograph, then it’s best to place the photo in a frame and use a small candle in front of the photo when meditating.

All images are in jpg format and are ready for printing. For best print quality, use a high resolution printer or take the files, on an SD card or USB drive, to a digital photo lab for printing.

Image sizes available
Photo 1: 4″ x 6″ (10cm x 15cm) 1800 x 1200 pixels.
Photo 2: 5″ x 7″ (13cm x 18cm) 2100 x 1500 pixels.
To download an image, right-click on the image and save the file to your computer or device.


Download Candle Treatment Handout

When we seem to have no motivation or a heavy, low-energy feeling, it might reflect the state of our left side. We can use a candle to clear the left side and feel more energized. We demonstrate how to use a candle in Day 9’s session recording below.

“The Three Great Mantras.”

This is the recording we play at the beginning of every class in this 21-day course. It is called “The Three Great Mantras.” Chakras can be cleared using techniques, elements, music, and reciting mantras. The Three Great Mantras are recited to open the seventh center – the Sahasrara Chakra.

DAY 11

The fundamental quality of the Mooladhara chakra is innocence. This is the basis of righteous behavior. Your innocence can never be destroyed, but it may be masked by your ego and conditionings, just as the sun may be covered by clouds.

A balanced Mooladhara helps you maintain and increase your inner wisdom. It also leads to improved memory, attention and focus.

DAY 12

Download Swadisthana Chakra

: Excessive thinking and planning can exhaust the Swadisthana chakra. Our creativity blossoms when this chakra is clear. When we are able to get things done while maintaining our inner silence, we are less likely to get tired, and we will accomplish our goals with spontaneity and joy.

DAY 13

(Nabhi and Void handouts): Our seeking originates in this chakra, whether it be for food and water, or for self-knowledge and our spiritual evolution.

A clear Nabhi is vital to achieving the state of thoughtless awareness and clear attention.

DAY 14

Download the Heart Chakra

The fundamental quality of the Heart chakra is unconditional love. As the chakra clears, you experience pure joy and pure attention. You discover your place in the world and your purpose.

DAY 15

Download Vishuddhi Chakra

A clear Vishuddhi chakra allows you to witness events calmly, without judgement and without feeling guilty.

DAY 16

Download Agnya Chakra Handout

To balance your Agnya chakra, meditate outdoors while looking at the sky. You can place your right hand on your forehead, tilt your head slightly forward and say, “I forgive everyone, including myself.

DAY 17

Download Sahasrara Chakra Handout

When your Sahasrara Chakra opens, your human awareness has united with the Divine, and your physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual selves become integrated.

RESOURCES - Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the Power that created you.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Your Self Realisation
Today, you have been introduced to Sahaja Yoga Meditation and received your Self Realisation. Self-Realisation occurs when the Kundalini, a mothering energy within all of us, is awakened and connects us to the all-pervading power.

Through regular meditation, we strengthen our Kundalini to cleanse and balance our energy centres (chakras). Meditation allows us to go beyond our thoughts (thoughtless awareness) to experience inner peace and silence. Regular meditation only takes a few minutes and really works!

Try the meditation
Sit quietly for a few moments and hold out your hands, palms upward, towards the photograph. You may feel a cool or warm breeze and your thoughts may quieten. Continue meditating in silence for 5 to 10 minutes.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

About Sahaja Yoga Meditation
True meditation is a personal experience, where one goes beyond thoughts, worries, and upsets. One is calm and peaceful through ‘thoughtless awareness’- that is, no unwanted thoughts but fully aware. Sahaja Yoga meditation is used by millions globally, with minimal disruption to daily routines, to actually achieve inner balance, joy and improvements in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Sahaja, Saha means ‘with’, Ja means ‘born’. Born with you. That is spontaneous. Yoga means Union with the Divine. So, Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of your Self with the Divine.

Who is Shri Mataji?
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (or ‘Mother’, as she is affectionately known) founded Sahaja Yoga meditation in 1970. For over 40 years, she gave thousands of lectures and taught millions around the world how to meditate easily. Born in 1923 in India, she worked with Mahatma Gandhi and was very involved in India’s fight for independence. She was a mother and grandmother and a descendant of an Indian royal family.

The Subtle System
Overlaying our nervous system, resides a subtle system comprising of energy channels (‘Nadis’, see A to C on diagram) and centres of energy (‘Chakras’, see 1 to 7 on diagram). This system looks after our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Upon ‘Self Realisation’, our spirit is awakened, and the subtle system connects to the all-pervading life force that nourishes and balances it through true meditation.

The Subtle System

How do I learn more?
To help you understand this new experience, you are invited to free online courses or weekly classes where collective meditations will establish your Self Realisation. You will learn how to maintain inner balance throughout the day and read and correct any imbalances in your subtle system. Classes are held in over 100 countries worldwide. Suitable for newcomers and regular meditators. No booking needed and everything is provided. Classes are always free of charge.

More Information & Online Resources
Online resources with video and audio meditations, meditative music, balancing techniques, printed guides and talks by Shri Mataji (founder). Live Streaming meditation webcasts. Podcasts with guided meditations, music and talks. Newsletter sign up for news and events.

RESOURCES - Meditation & Balancing Guide

Use this Guide to learn simple meditation and balancing techniques to help you experience the peace of true meditation. If this is your first meditation, then please follow the ‘Affirmation for Meditation’ steps for your Self-Realisation to activate your inner-being.

Download Meditation & Balancing Guide


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Note: You do not need to register to participate in any of our courses.

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Join our  the Meditation Support WhatsApp group for course news and dedicated support during, and after the Course.

About the sessions

Newcomers and regulars will learn how to meditate and experience true meditation. During the sessions you will be guided by our online team through the three levels of knowledge and meditation experiences from beginner to intermediate to advanced. One on one help and workshops with group practice will be available.

This is a spiritual meditation whereby we awaken the inner energy that gently brings positive change within us – making us more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in daily classes you will notice increasing gaps between your thoughts and feeling more relaxed and spiritual. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is volunteer run, always free and practiced in more than 100 countries.

Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we awaken our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us – we feel more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in the daily sessions, you will notice the gap between your thoughts increasing and you will feel more relaxed, peaceful and spiritual.

About Sahaja Yoga meditation

Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.


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