Webcast topics
Sunday 18th to Saturday 24th July 2021
Video of the week
In this newsletter:
- Selection of this week’s topics – Hosted from Australia, Germany and Amsterdam.
- Video of the week – “Subtle System & Self Realisation”. An introductory video about the Subtle System with beautiful graphics that depict the 7 Chakras, the Nadis (the 3 channels) and Self Realisation by Shri Mataji.
- Online resources – for newcomers and regular meditators.
Selection of this week’s topics for everyone
For newcomers and regular meditators
Sunday 18th to Saturday 24th July 2021
On YouTube, Facebook and Zoom hosted from Australia, Malaysia and Amsterdam. y.
Sessions run from 30 to 60 minutes. Zoom sessions are interactive, so you’ll be able to chat privately with our presenters if you have any questions
One of the greatest challenges in modern day life is to stay standing on our own personal truth without being swayed by our surroundings. Learn how to strengthen this quality through Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
Interactive session on ZOOM. Hosted by Jenny from Sydney.
MANTRA SERIES – Part 7 of 9
Mantras for Vishuddhi Chakra – Center of collectivity.
After the Music series, another exciting series from Journey Within Sahaja Yoga Meditation to help you understand the basics of Mantras for each energy center from Mooladhara to Sahasrara.
Watch on FACEBOOK. Hosted by our popular meditation expert – Rajesh from Germany.
MANTRA SERIES – Part 8 of 9
Mantras for Agnya Chakra – Center of Forgiveness.
After the Music series, another exciting series from Journey Within Sahaja Yoga Meditation to help you understand the basics of Mantras for each energy center from Mooladhara to Sahasrara. Presented by Rajesh from Germany.
Watch on FACEBOOK. Hosted by our popular meditation expert – Rajesh from Germany.
The third energy centre in our being – the Nabhi chakra is the centre of peace and satisfaction. Its easy to cross the ocean of illusion when we are at peace and satisfied.
Interactive session on ZOOM. Hosted from Canberra.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Maya Angelou (American poet)
Interactive session on ZOOM. Hosted from Sydney.
THE LEFT CHANNEL – Part 8 of 9
LEFT AGNYA CHAKRA (Superego) – In this episode we will learn more about the Left Agnya Chakra, it’s characteristics and how to balance this aspect of our subtle system. Another exciting series from Journey Within Sahaja Yoga Meditation to help deepen your understanding of the three channels. The Left Channel or Ida Nadi (in Sanskrit) relates to past, emotions, desire and is also known as the Moon channel.
Watch on FACEBOOK. Hosted from Brisbane.
By asking ourselves ‘where is my attention?’ By seeing where our attention is going and at what point have we gone too far we can get back in the boat of thoughtless awareness.
Interactive session on ZOOM. Hosted from Perth.
Agnya Chakra: The Center of Forgiveness – Part 8: In this episode we will learn more about the Agnya Chakra, it’s qualities and how to balance this important chakra in our subtle system. Another exciting series from Journey Within Sahaja Yoga Meditation to help deepen your understanding of the three channels. The Central Channel or Sushumna Nadi (in Sanskrit) relates to the present, ascent, balance and this is where we should be.
Watch on FACEBOOK. Live from Malaysia.
Video of the week
“Subtle System & Self Realisation”
An introductory video about the Subtle System with beautiful graphics that depict the 7 Chakras, the Nadis (the 3 channels) and Self Realisation by Shri Mataji. It covers:
- The meaning of Sahaja Yoga,
- The Subtle System which exists within all human being, and,
- A guided meditation by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder) on activating your Subtle System via Sahaja Yoga’s Self Realization method.

Online resources
- Advanced Resources – Talks, videos, audios, guides and music.
- Webcast calendar
- Video gallery
- Audio podcasts
- Video podcasts
- News and events
We hope you can join us on YouTube, Facebook and Zoom!
Kind regards,
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia
“So this Kundalini that is your Mother, she is there to supply you, nourish you, to look after you, to make you grow… by giving you a higher personality – higher personality, wider personality, deeper personality.”
Shri Mataji – founder (from a lecture in Germany 1991)