WEBCAST PAGE #2 – Not public
Daily meditations on YouTube, Facebook & Zoom
Collective meditation sessions with clearing, balancing, talks and discussions on a topic of the day. Suitable for complete beginners and regular mediators. Join us live on YouTube, Facebook & Zoom or watch a previous event. Zoom sessions are interactive so you’ll be able to chat privately with our presenters if you have any questions. (More about Zoom.)
Hosted by Australian and International practitioners of Sahaja Yoga meditation.
Online Courses • Subscribe for latest events
New to Sahaja Yoga meditation?
Participants can join in at any time – no previous experience in meditation required.
All times below are Sydney times
Every day, all day🔴 Live Meditation 24/7 |
Every day at 12.45pm (Sydney time)21 Days Beginner’s Course from 6th- 26th March 2022 |
• 6pm (Sydney time)- for beginners & regulars, hosted by Lyn & Gulshan from Canberra: Join on Youtube or Zoom
• 7.30pm (Sydney time) – for beginners & regulars, hosted by Kannan & team from Sydney: Join on Zoom
• 8.30pm (Sydney time)- for regulars, hosted by various practitioners: Join on Facebook
• 10pm (Sydney time)- for beginners & regulars, hosted by a team from Perth: Join with YouTube or Zoom
• 8.30PM Hosted by various practitioners: Join on Facebook
• 12pm For advanced. Hosted by Lyn, Gulshan & team from Canberra: Join on Youtube or Zoom
• 10pm (Sydney time)- for beginners & regulars, hosted by a team from Perth: Join with YouTube or Zoom
• 8PM January 2022 Course. Hosted by Sydney collective: Join with YouTube or Zoom
• 8.30pm Hosted by various practitioners: Join on Facebook
• 8PM January 2022 Course. Hosted by Sydney collective: Join with YouTube or Zoom
• 8PM January 2022 Course. Hosted by Sydney collective: Join with YouTube or Zoom
• 8.30pm Hosted by various practitioners: Join on Facebook
Live meditations
Live meditation 24/7
All day and every day – Guided meditations, talks, music and more!
Also see Online Courses.
3 minute meditation
Sit quietly for 3 minutes with your hands palm-up on lap. Eyes can be open or closed.
More guided meditations.
Connect to a meditator
Free live chat with an experienced meditator. No software required.
Connect to Meditate Now!
Audio and video podcasts you can stream to your desktop, tablet or phone. Includes guided meditations, guest speakers, music and talks by Shri Mataji (founder).
- Audio podcast website – On Apple podcast – On Google podcast
- Video podcast website – On Apple podcast
Can’t wait for a live webcast? Try our online meditations
Follow a guided meditation by Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation) to experience inner peace and silence. It takes only a few minutes and really works! You can sit on a chair or on the floor, with your shoes removed. Note: If you have a slow internet connection or access to videos and audios is blocked at your location then use the Silent Meditation option.
More about the webcasts
These sessions
These videos provide an excellent introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation and cover the Subtle system which is comprised of the seven main Chakras (energy centres) and the three Nadis (energy channels). All webcasts include guided collective meditations. The videos include talks by Shri Mataji (founder) where she presents her philosophy and teachings of her meditation and the spiritual nature of human beings. In-depth guided meditations with clearing and balancing instructions are also included.
The meditation is based on connecting with our inner chakras (energy centres) and balancing our subtle body. The tradition and aims of meditation are explained which is to be in the present with no mental thoughts of the past or future. Short guided meditations with affirmations are used to clear and balance the subtle body to enable the silence of meditation. During the meditation, participants can sit on a chair (with shoes removed to connect with the mother earth), or on the floor, with hands on their laps.
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a free video conference service that we use for our online meditations which works on mobiles, tablets and desktop computers. If you are new to Zoom then please click the ‘Watch on Zoom’ meeting link on the above calendar to pre-install the Zoom software before joining the sessions.
Keep updated
To be notified of our next webcast join our Newsletter. Also see our webcast news page