Daily Meditation Chinese Course – February 2023

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冥想 21 天

摆脱思虑 • 发觉内在的平静与喜悦


2023年2月25日至3月17日 • 晚上8点至9点(北京时间)


更多细节即将推出。 注册获得更多消息。

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Join the Feburary 2023 Course WhatsApp group for course news and dedicated support during, and after the Course.

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We recommend you join using Zoom for live interactive sessions otherwise watch live on YouTube.
Join in at anytime, even if you miss some sessions.

The next session STARTS in:

Live Sessions & Recordings

Live sessions and video recordings from the daily sessions are available here.

25th February to 17th March 2023 • 7:45pm to 9pm (London time)
Convert to your local time
(Click below to expand to see session titles, descriptions and videos)

第一周 唤醒你内在的能量,享受内在的安宁 | 2023年2月25日星期六至3月3日星期五

早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

第1天: 体验内在的宁静。 | 星期六 2月25日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)


“冥想会让人感受到抚慰,一种美好的与上天连接的方式,你所有的问题都会在这种冥想的情态中得到解决。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第2天: 扩展冥想的宁静 | 星期日 2月26日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)


“像一个转动的轮子,如果你的注意力在轮子上,在边缘,那你的思维就一直在转动。 但如果你跳到轮子的轴心上,它就安静了。” – 霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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第3天: 内在的安宁与平衡。 | 星期一 2月27日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

我们的注意力可以走到过去、未来,或稳定、安静、安驻于当下。 在平衡的状态下,我们能够超越内在和外在的障碍,成为我们的真我。

“灵会在稳定的注意力中闪耀。稳定它。通过平衡你会使注意力稳定下来。平衡你的思维,平衡你的眼睛,平衡你的欲望。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第4天: 我们是大自然美丽的创造。 | 星期二 2月28日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

我们的注意力可以走到过去或未来,给冥想造成困难。 我们将了解三个能量通道,以及如何平衡它们,以使我们能活在当下,步入灵性升进的道路。

“你是一件极其精美制作的仪器,一旦你发现它是多么绝对的制作精美,你就会惊叹于你自己。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第5天: 通过冥想实现内在蜕变。 | 星期三 3月1日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

我们将讨论内在的精微能量中心(脉轮)的特质。 我们将学习如何通过霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想在日常生活中吸收这些特质。
“第一件事应该是观察自己,你不去反应,而是去体验和享受你存在的宁静、精微、美好和荣耀。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第6天: 使用自然元素。 | 星期四 3月2日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

在霎哈嘉瑜伽中,我们使用水、土、火、以太和空气等自然元素来深入我们的冥想。 足浴法帮助我们清理精微能量系统,增加我们对冥想的享受。

“只有在冥想中,你才能活在当下,才能在灵性上成长。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第7天: 你有什么感觉? | 星期五 3月3日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

我们将稳定我们的注意力,并学会识别和清除影响精微系统平衡的阻塞。 逐渐地,我们会更深层地进入到自身的精微、宁静和真我的知识。

“你的手开始感受到凉风。 他们开始感受自己的和其他人的轮穴。 你可以用手提升昆达里尼,你可以用手给他人自觉。 这手变得非常强大。”- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第二周 灵性升进和能量中心 | 2023年3月4日星期六至3月10日星期五
第8天: 用冰凉化右脉。 | 星期六 3月4日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)


“所有的脾气都凉化下来,变得美好起来。 这非常令人惊奇。 一个充满劲气的人变得极其慈悲。”- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第9天: 清理左脉 | 星期日 3月5日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)


“自由的背后必须有智慧。所以,两边,在两边的活动,都是错误的。那么,什么是对的?在中央。就是不被任何东西制约,不要自我取向。 “ – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人


– 放在烛台里的,或是固定在碟子里的短小蜡烛

– 火柴或打火机

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第10天: 我是自己的导师。 | 星期一 3月6日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

通过每天的霎哈嘉瑜伽练习我们会成为自己的导师。 我们停止与自己争论。 我们接受并遵循自己内心的指引。 我们摒弃所有极端行为,无论是过度放纵还是过度严格。

“你必须成为自己的导师,意味着你必须指引自己。 你要像对待弟子一样对待自己,修身养性。”- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第11天: 恢复我们的童真。 | 星期二 3月7日 2023 • 早上7:00到8:00 (北京时间)

我们将专注于第一个能量中心,即 根轮。 在梵语中,“Mooladhara”的意思是对根的支持。
这个轮穴是微妙系统的基础。 它与生俱来的品质是纯洁、纯真、喜悦和智慧。

“这份纯真永远不会被摧毁,因为它是永恒的,但它可能会因我们犯下的错误而被乌云笼罩。但是一旦你得到自觉,你的纯真就会重新建立、显现,你就会变得纯真 ” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

第12天: 与纯粹愿望联结以升进。 | 星期三 3月8日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

腹轮,第二个轮穴,是创造力、纯粹知识、纯粹愿望和纯粹注意力的中心。 我们内在纯粹愿望的力量引导着我们的灵性之旅。 打开这个轮穴可以帮助我们放下控制的需求,这样我们就可以

腹轮,第二个轮穴,是创造力、纯粹知识、纯粹愿望和纯粹注意力的中心。 我们内在纯粹愿望的力量引导着我们的灵性之旅。 打开这个轮穴可以帮助我们放下控制的需求,这样我们就可以让上天的力量去解决问题。

“想,想,想,计划,计划,计划,计划,忙个不停。最后整个快乐都消失了。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第13天: 在日常生活中感到满足。 | 星期四 3月9日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

第三个轮穴,脐轮,是我们寻求灵性进化的起点。 当这个轮穴通畅了,我们会体验到满足、慷慨与安宁的自身神圣品质。

“只有内在和平,世界才会有和平。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第14天: 无条件的爱。 | 星期五 3月10日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)


“你成为快乐的源泉,你不是只接受快乐,而是还成为快乐的源泉、幸福的源泉和安宁的源泉。无论这样的人走到哪里,它都会抚慰人心。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第三周 通过冥想达到无思虑觉醒 | 2023年3月11日星期六至3月17日星期五

晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

第15天: 不起反应地静观。 | 星期六 3月11日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

我们会将注意力放在喉轮上,以强化我们的自尊和对他人的尊重。 这个轮穴的力量也帮助我们成为生活戏剧的超然静观者。

“变得超然是因为你与灵合二为一了,而灵是不执着的,它给了你那种光,那种超然,从那里你可以看到所有事情就像一出戏在上演。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第16天: 宽恕。 | 星期日 3月12日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

要打开额轮,让我们学会宽恕。 这就能打通与上天无所不在的力量相联接的精微通道。

“当你原谅一个人时,你需要做什么?首先你接纳当前状况,其次你原谅你认为别人对你做错的事情。但是因为对于灵来说没有什么对它做错的事情,你就只是原谅,因为 你是灵。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人


这个互动工作坊是与有经验的霎哈嘉瑜伽练习者在线上虚拟小房间中进行。 您将学习如何清理精微系统并深入冥想。 此互动工作坊仅适用于 Zoom 平台。

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第17天: 整合 | 星期一 3月13日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

在顶轮,我们可以放下所有的担忧、意见和挫败。 我们可以将它们交付给头顶上方的宁静。 在这里我们的注意力与宇宙神圣的注意力相联。

“霎哈嘉瑜伽就像先建造建筑物的顶峰,然后再建造地基。 打开顶轮是最先完成的第一件事。 然后在 顶轮 的光耀中,你必须观察自己,自己去看。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第18天: 冥想是头脑静默的状态。 | 星期二 3月14日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

我们通过更深入地进入内在的寂静来加强冥想的体验。 发现口诀或梵文祈祷的力量,以清理我们的轮穴并加强冥想状态。

“冥想是唯一能以实相之美充实自己的途径。没有别的办法。除了冥想,除了冥想我找不到其他任何方法,可以使你能上升进入到神圣的层面。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第19天: 超越思维进入无思虑的觉知。 | 星期三 3月15日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)


– 整个宇宙的精微之中。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第20天: 延长无思虑觉知状态。 | 星期四 3月16日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

我们的重点将是充分利用我们的自觉更深入地进入冥想状态。 我们将运用音乐的力量来维持内在宁静。

“现在达成无思虑觉知非常简单又容易。但要保持在那个点是困难的。我们仍然会起反应,我们会思虑。你看到的任何东西,你都会起反应。要在无思虑觉知中达到这一点,首先要改变你的注意力 ….尝试旁观一切……你开始享受存在的一切。即使是一小片草叶,你也可以享受。”- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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第21天: 这只是个开始。 | 星期五 3月17日 2023 • 晚上8:30到9:30 (北京时间)

在本系列的最后一节课中,我们整合了所学的所有知识。 我们内观自己,看看我们的觉知成长了多少。 你会发现本课程之后会发生什么,以继续你的冥想之旅。 如果您错过了几节课,不要担心,因为整个课程在我们的 YouTube 频道上都有。

“如果你能进入冥想状态,你就是与这神圣力量相接的。那么,一切对你有益处,对你的社会有益处、对你的国家有益处,都会由这个神圣的力量成就的……只要你 冥想你就与这神圣的力量合而为一。” – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人

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Meditation Guides to download, meditative music, video and audio meditations and more resources and materials from this Course are available here.

Some information here is very ‘advanced’, so you should ensure you have completed the whole course and are regularly meditating so you can appreciate the information. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions about the material during the Course sessions or when you are in contact with one of our mentors.

RESOURCES - Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Welcome to Sahaja Yoga Meditation

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the Power that created you.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Your Self Realisation
Today, you have been introduced to Sahaja Yoga Meditation and received your Self Realisation. Self-Realisation occurs when the Kundalini, a mothering energy within all of us, is awakened and connects us to the all-pervading power.

Through regular meditation, we strengthen our Kundalini to cleanse and balance our energy centres (chakras). Meditation allows us to go beyond our thoughts (thoughtless awareness) to experience inner peace and silence. Regular meditation only takes a few minutes and really works!

Try the meditation
Sit quietly for a few moments and hold out your hands, palms upward, towards the photograph. You may feel a cool or warm breeze and your thoughts may quieten. Continue meditating in silence for 5 to 10 minutes.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

About Sahaja Yoga Meditation
True meditation is a personal experience, where one goes beyond thoughts, worries, and upsets. One is calm and peaceful through ‘thoughtless awareness’- that is, no unwanted thoughts but fully aware. Sahaja Yoga meditation is used by millions globally, with minimal disruption to daily routines, to actually achieve inner balance, joy and improvements in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Sahaja, Saha means ‘with’, Ja means ‘born’. Born with you. That is spontaneous. Yoga means Union with the Divine. So, Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of your Self with the Divine.

Who is Shri Mataji?
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (or ‘Mother’, as she is affectionately known) founded Sahaja Yoga meditation in 1970. For over 40 years, she gave thousands of lectures and taught millions around the world how to meditate easily. Born in 1923 in India, she worked with Mahatma Gandhi and was very involved in India’s fight for independence. She was a mother and grandmother and a descendant of an Indian royal family.

The Subtle System
Overlaying our nervous system, resides a subtle system comprising of energy channels (‘Nadis’, see A to C on diagram) and centres of energy (‘Chakras’, see 1 to 7 on diagram). This system looks after our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Upon ‘Self Realisation’, our spirit is awakened, and the subtle system connects to the all-pervading life force that nourishes and balances it through true meditation.

The Subtle System

How do I learn more?
To help you understand this new experience, you are invited to free online courses or weekly classes where collective meditations will establish your Self Realisation. You will learn how to maintain inner balance throughout the day and read and correct any imbalances in your subtle system. Classes are held in over 100 countries worldwide. Suitable for newcomers and regular meditators. No booking needed and everything is provided. Classes are always free of charge.

More Information & Online Resources
Online resources with video and audio meditations, meditative music, balancing techniques, printed guides and talks by Shri Mataji (founder). Live Streaming meditation webcasts. Podcasts with guided meditations, music and talks. Newsletter sign up for news and events.

RESOURCES - Meditation & Balancing Guide

Use this Guide to learn simple meditation and balancing techniques to help you experience the peace of true meditation. If this is your first meditation, then please follow the ‘Affirmation for Meditation’ steps for your Self-Realisation to activate your inner-being.

Download Meditation & Balancing Guide

RESOURCES - Glossary of Terms

While participating in our sessions, you will come across several terms that may be new to you. This is an overview of the most commonly used terms…

All Pervading Power
God Almighty. Known by many names including Shiva, Allah and Yaweh.

The faculty of applying the mind and interest. Under pressure it can become short-spanned and undisciplined but through Sahaja Yoga Meditation the faculty can become focused and productive.

Balancing and Clearing
If the attention is majorly focused on right-sided activities (thinking, action, the future) or left side (reflection, emotion, the past) blockages can occur. Meditative clearing removes these blockages and allows the system to gain balance in the centre (mental silence, peace, now).

Catches occur when the efficient function of chakras is impaired. These catches block the passage of kundalini and are the causes of varying problems. When these damaged charkras are repaired through meditation the problems disappear.

Central Channel
This is the channel through which the kundalini flows. It is opened when self realisation takes place and it is the through-flow of kundalini which brings about real and enriching meditation.

These are the subtle energy centres located at the main nerve plexuses along the spine. There are seven main chakras in the human system and they relate to stages of evolution, the seventh, at the top of the head being activated by self realisation.

Cool Breeze
The energy manifested from the top of the head when self realisation takes place. It can be felt as a warmish breeze-like sensation. After meditation the energy cools down and is known as the cool breeze.

Difference between Yoga and Meditation
Yoga is the union of the kundalini with the great energy of creation that surrounds us (self realisation). Meditation takes place as a result of that joining.

Spiritual teacher, guide. Someone with their self realisation who assists others to gain their yoga.

The mothering energy that resides in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. When self realisation takes place this energy uncoils, rising through the chakras and the top of the head.

Inner Peace
Being free from mental activity. Not being concerned with memory or plans but being in the ‘now’.

Happens when deep meditation takes place. A all-embracing sense of relaxed well-being.

Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini resides in three-and-a-half coils at the base of the spine. When self realisation or kundalini awakening takes place, this energy uncoils and rises through the chakras to manifest at the top on the head.

Left Channel
This rises along the left side of the spine but at the forehead it crosses into the right hemisphere of the brain to become the superego. It is concerned with emotion, the past, insecurity, conditioning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause depression and many painful diseases.

It is a state of relaxation without mental activity. It is calming, peaceful and opens the inner pathways to health, knowledge and spiritual deepening.

Right Channel
This rises along the right side of the spine but at the forehead crosses into the left hemisphere of the brain to become the ego. It is concerned with action, the future, planning and, if the attention becomes heavily focused into it, it can cause anger, tensions and many painless diseases.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
The word ‘Sahaja’ in Sanskrit has two components: ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘ja’ is ‘born’ – the literal translation is “innate”. Yoga means union with the divine. So, Sahaja Yoga means spontaneous and born with you meaning that the kundalini is born within us and can be awakened spontaneously, without effort. This is Self Realisation

Self Realisation
This is the yoga, the union, the joining of the individual spirit with the great energy of creation. It happens when the kundalini (life force) rises from its home in the sacrum bone along the spine and pierces the fontanelle at the top of the head.

Shri Mataji
The founder of Sahaja Yoga. She was born in 1923 in Chhindwara, India. Her father was a lawyer who spoke fourteen languages and was the first Christian Member of the Indian Parliament. Her mother was the first woman in India to receive an honours degree in mathematics. The family was deeply involved in the Indian fight for independence. Shri Mataji married C.P. Shrivastava, a diplomat who became Secretary General of the UN Maritime Organisation. She has two daughters and four grandchildren. In 1970 she discovered a way of granting spontaneous self realisation. She then travelled the world holding programs, giving self realisation and informing people of Sahaja Yoga.

The reflection of divinity within each human subtle energy system.

An intense interest in the non-material aspects of life, reality and existence after death

Subtle System
The network of chakras, channels and kundalini which define the nature of a human being at any given time. (See more here)

Thoughtless Awareness
Is meditation. All thinking stops although the consciousness of sounds around us remains. The traditional name for this very pleasant and rewarding state is mental silence.

The cool pulsing that a realised person feels (often on the palms of the hand) when the attention is focused on something or someone in balance.

The pathway to, and gaining of, self realisation. Rajah Yoga is the pathway along the right channel, Bakthi Yoga uses the left channel ‘Sahaja means born-with or spontaneous. So Sahaja Yoga draws attention to the fact that the union (self realisation) can be gained spontaneously by way of mechanisms one is born with.


Newcomers and regulars will learn how to meditate and experience true meditation. Over the 21 days, you’ll be guided daily by our online team through the three levels of knowledge and meditation experiences from beginner to intermediate to advanced. One on one help and workshops with group practice will be available.

This is a spiritual meditation whereby we awaken the inner energy that gently brings positive change within us – making us more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in daily classes you will notice increasing gaps between your thoughts and feeling more relaxed and spiritual. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is volunteer run, always free and practiced in more than 100 countries.

Join with Zoom for interactive sessions or watch on YouTube. All sessions will be recorded so you can also watch sessions to suit your time zone or schedule.

“We are all part and parcel of one country. And that country is of love.” – Shri Mataji (founder)

About the sessions

Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we awaken our inner energy that gently brings about positive change within us – we feel more balanced, peaceful and joyous. As you participate in the daily sessions, you will notice the gap between your thoughts increasing and you will feel more relaxed, peaceful and spiritual.

About Sahaja Yoga meditation

Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.

More details