Celebrating H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s 97th Birthday

Celebrating HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s 97th Birthday

On the 21st of March 2020, we celebrate the 97th Birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Shri Mataji is honoured globally for dedicating her entire life to the spiritual ascent of humankind.

(Click to download large poster in PDF )
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Born on 21st March 1923 in Chhindwara, India

Her meditation – enjoyed by millions

Shri Mataji introduced her unique meditation in 1970 and people in over 100 countries practise and enjoy it free of charge. Her foundation practises and teaches a meditation beginning with Self Realisation which awakens our inner spiritual aspect. As a result, we experience thoughtless awareness in our meditation which promotes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

‘Celebrating Shri Mataji’s Birthday’

Live Meditation event on YouTube
A Life dedicated to Humanity
Sunday 22nd March 2020 at 7PM (Sydney time)
Find your local time

This weekend, we celebrate two very special birthdays – the birth of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the birth of Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation. During the webcast, the panel of Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners discuss and demonstrate techniques that have become Shri Mataji’s enduring legacy, around the world.

Shri Mataji’s Legacy.

From the time she introduced the technique of Sahaja Yoga in 1970, Shri Mataji travelled constantly until the early 2000s, offering free public lectures and the experience of Self Realisation to all. She enabled people to pass this valuable experience onto others, as well as the technique necessary to sustain it through regular Sahaja Yoga meditation. Shri Mataji was born on 21st March 1923 in India and passed away on 23rd February 2011 aged 87 years, in Genoa, Italy. Over the past 50 years, millions have been introduced to her meditation which is offered free of charge and is now available in over 100 countries.

How to prepare for this webcast.

Find a quiet place to watch the webcast. Remove shoes and sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor. If you wish, you can also setup a meditation table to enhance the meditation. Place a framed photo of Shri Mataji on a table in front of you, with a lit candle and optional flowers and incense. A meditation card with Shri Mataji’s photo can be downloaded from here.

How to join the webcast.

Click on the image above closer to the time to view webcast on YouTube or click here.

Missed a webcast?

We have recordings of previous webcasts here.

Webcast will include:

  • Short introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation, the chakras and awakening of our inner subtle energy.
  • Guided collective meditation
  • Techniques to stimulate confidence and overcome anxiety.
  • Discussion with practitioners on their personal experience and how meditation has helped overcome issues.
  • Video on Shri Mataji and Her legacy as the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditatio

Her Vision

We offer this short video of Shri Mataji’s work and some of her quotes that will keep you inspired.

“Meditation enjoyed Worldwide” (1min : 10secs)

Quotes by Shri Mataji

“Only in meditation you are in present and you grow in your spirituality.”

Clean Heart
“If your heart is clean, you can see the other person clearly through and through. Innocence is such a powerful thing.”

“You have to have complete faith in yourself and that your Self is nothing but innocence.”

Thoughtless Awareness
“In thoughtless awareness nobody can touch you, that’s your fortress.”

“I need this, I need that, I need that. We should know what other people need.”

“You may be very great, you might be very intelligent, you may be earning lots of money, whatever it is. It’s not so important. What is the most important thing is that you are loved.”

Download more Quotes

More information

Kind regards,
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia