Meditation & Music from India to China
Saturday 26th December 2020 10.45PM (Sydney)
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Program is presented in English and Mandarin
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This “AWAKENING meditation and music” concert will be guided by Sanjay Talwar – singer, composer and filmmaker.
这场“觉醒 冥想+音乐会”将由音乐家、作曲家以及电影制作者Sanjay Talwar来引导.
Music enchanted Sanjay since his childhood. His mother was a classical vocalist, who used to keep him as a baby nicely clad in the same room while she did her Riaz (practice of music) daily. He grew up singing songs from popular Indian Movies. While in college, he won awards at singing competitions – “It was something natural in me”, says Sanjay. His life changed completely when he met an amazing lady H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1982. Shri Mataji’s captivating personality attracted him to spend more time with her to learn Her Sahaja Yoga meditation technique. His awakening in 1984, through Shri Mataji’s Self Realisation process, has enabled him to compose and sing his enchanting Indian light classical and traditional music to accompany the meditation experience.
Sanjay Talwar从小就对音乐非常痴迷.他的母亲是位古典歌唱家. 在他还是个婴儿的时候,母亲就把他包裹好放在同一个房间而她则每天进行她的Riaz(音乐练习)。他是听着印度电影中的流行歌曲长大的。上大学时,他在歌唱比赛中获奖——Sanjay对此说道“这是我与生俱来的天性”. 在1982年当他遇到了一个神奇的女士H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,使他的生活完全改变了. Shri Mataji迷人的个性吸引他花更多的时间和她一起学习她的霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想技巧. 他在1984年获得内在的觉醒,通过Shri Mataji教授的自我觉醒实现过程,伴随着冥想的经验激发了他的天赋 使他能够创作和演唱非常迷人的印度轻古典和传统音乐.
Recently, Sanjay was inspired to share his experience of Sahaja Yoga meditation by producing the film “Grihalakshmi – The Awakening” which follows the lives of two sisters who traverse through life with the power of meditation. More about this film here.
最近,Sanjay受到启发,通过制作电影“Grihalakshmi 的觉醒”来分享他霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想的经验,这部电影讲述了两姐妹她们凭借冥想的力量穿越生命的故事.更多关于这部电影的信息请点击这里(链接)。
This event is hosted by Sahaja Yoga meditation International and “Nirmala Art Without Frontiers” who host public welfare programs organized by a group of people who love art and life. The purpose is to connect people’s hearts through art. All events are free of charge.
本次活动由澳大利亚霎哈嘉瑜伽冥想和“Nirmala无国界艺术沙龙”举办,该沙龙是由一群热爱艺术和生活的人们创立的公益组织,目的是通过艺术点亮人们的心灵。 所有活动均是免费的。

- China: 7:45pm CST
- India: 5:15pm IST
- USA LA: 3:45am PDT
- USA NY: 6:45am EDT
- Italy: 12:45am CEST
- Sydney: 10:45pm AEST
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