She Transformed Our Lives.
On March 21, We Celebrate Hers.
Celebrating Shri Mataji’s 101st Birthday.
22 March 2024 9:30pm Sydney time
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Join us for Shri Mataji’s 101st Birthday celebrations with enlightened music, guided meditations, introductory talks, song, interviews and more! Presented by our global Sahaja Yoga meditation community!

On Tuesday 21st March 2024, we commemorate the 101st Birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Shri Mataji is honoured globally for dedicating Her entire life to the spiritual ascent of humankind.
Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by Shri Mataji on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en-masse Self-Realisation. Self-Realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of mental, emotional, psychical and spiritual well being. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practiced in more than 100 countries.
• Commemorating Shri Mataji’s 101th Birthday:
• Worldwide classes
Shri Mataji introduced Her unique meditation in 1970 and people in more than 120 countries now practise and enjoy it. Her foundational practise teaches a meditation technique which begins with Self Realisation and awakens our inner spiritual aspect. As a result, we experience thoughtless awareness during our meditation which promotes health and well-being.
After introducing the technique of Sahaja Yoga meditation, Shri Mataji travelled constantly up until the early 2000s, offering free public lectures and the experience of Self Realisation to all. She enabled people to pass on this valuable experience to others, as well as the technique necessary to sustain it through regular Sahaja Yoga meditation. Shri Mataji was born on 21st March 1923 in India and passed away on 23rd February 2011 in Genoa, Italy, aged 87 years.
More about Shri Mataji:
Sahaja Yoga is a simple and dynamic method of meditation that can be easily integrated into your daily life. The meditation provides the experience of thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, which is the basis of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
• More about Sahaja Yoga meditation:
• In-person and Online classes:
• Worldwide classes