World Realisation Day
Free meditation events Australia Wide during May 2017
Adelaide • Brisbane • Canberra • Melbourne • Perth • Sydney
You are invited to these free events to honour the work and vision of the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and received the UN Peace Medal in 1989.
On 5th May 1970, Shri Mataji discovered the process called Self-Realisation which initiates a state of thoughtless awareness and enables you to experience peace and mental silence, effortlessly.
“When you get your Self-Realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that spirit. You become a witness of the whole world like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations” – Shri Mataji – founder
For complete beginners and regular meditators
Download and share poster (pdf format 8MB)
Event locations
Events include guided Self-Realisation and meditation sessions to help you attain inner peace. Some locations will have live world music to enhance the meditation experience.
No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided • Free follow-up classes available in over 80 locations.
(Can’t make it to one on these events? Then visit a free local class or join our mailing list to be notified of other events)
State & Date | Event locations |
ADELAIDE Friday 5th May, 2017 7:30pm to 8:30pm | MEDITATION Klemzig Primary School, 2 Hay Street, Klemzig, Adelaide (Google map) Light refreshments provided Enquiries: Sue 0401 121 350 Free ongoing meditation classes in South Australia |
BRISBANE Saturday 6th May, 2017 5:30pm - 7pm | MEDITATION & WORLD MUSIC Kurilpa Hall, 174 Boundary Street, West End Brisbane (Google map) Light refreshments provided Enquiries: Debbie 0422 792 309 Free ongoing meditation classes in Queensland |
CANBERRA Friday 5th May, 2017 6pm to 7:30pm | MEDITATION Gungahlin Library, Training Room 1 Cnr Hibberson and Gozzard Sts Gungahlin Canberra (Google map) Light refreshments provided Enquiries: Lyn 0410 177 822 Free ongoing meditation classes in Canberra |
MELBOURNE Saturday 13th May, 2017 3pm to 5pm | MEDITATION Clayton Meeting Room (located next to Library), Clayton Community Centre, 9-15 Cooke Street, Clayton (Google map) Light refreshments provided Enquiries: 0470 484 076 or 0469 590 805 Free ongoing meditation classes in Victoria |
PERTH Saturday 6th May, 2017 12:30pm to 2pm | MEDITATION Manning Community Hall 2 Conochie Crescent, Manning Perth (Google map) Light refreshments provided Enquiries: Helen 1300 724 252 Free ongoing meditation classes in Western Australia |
SYDNEY (Mittagong) Saturday 6th May, 2017 1:30pm to 3pm | MEDITATION & WORLD MUSIC BY 'MUSIC OF JOY' Mittagong Playhouse 114/116 Main Street, Mittagong (100kms southwest of Sydney) (Google map) Mittagong event website Light refreshments provided Enquiries: 0413 187 495 Free ongoing meditation classes in New South Wales |