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Music and Meditation on the Gold Coast, Sunday 16th October, 2016

Music and Meditation on the Gold Coast, Sunday 16th October, 2016

/ QLD News
Music and Meditation on the Gold Coast Sunday, 16th October 2016 12pm to 2pm Free Event The Arts Centre Gold Coast, Paradise Room 135 Bundall Road, Surfers Paradise, Queensland (Google map) We invite you to our Music and Meditation event, a rich celebration of meditation and entertainment. Program 12pm - 12.30pm: Music program with Sahaj Sangeet. 12.30 - 1.30pm: Introduction in Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Self-Realisation experience. 1.30 - 2.00pm: Break - tea, coffee and cakes provided. 2.00 - 2.30pm: Video presentation and guided meditation. About the Meditation Sahaja Yoga meditation is a method of true meditation which awakens the state of thoughtless awareness through Self-Realisation.The meditation does not evolve any physical exercises or postures but a simple meditation method,
'Go Beyond the Mind' in Perth, Friday 7th October, 2016

‘Go Beyond the Mind’ in Perth, Friday 7th October, 2016

/ WA News
Go Beyond the Mind Celebrate the culture of the Spirit Friday 7th October, 2016 7.00pm - 9.00pm Perth Town Hall Corner of Barrack Street & Hay Street, Perth WA (Google map) Sahaja Yoga Meditation would like to invite you to an evening of celebration of the culture of the Spirit. Find out how to experience true meditation, which integrates your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being to go beyond the mind. Ancient knowledge in modern form With free entry for all, you will find out how to experience the state of true meditation, which integrates your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being. This special event will reveal ancient knowledge in modern form, accompanied by the expression of the spirit through
Parramatta Meditation "Know Yourself" - Saturday 24th Sept, 2016

Parramatta Meditation “Know Yourself” – Saturday 24th Sept, 2016

/ Music & Meditation, NSW News
Know Yourself “There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within” Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Saturday 24th September, 2016 Parramatta Town Hall, 182 Church Street, Parramatta (Google map) All events are free of charge. Journey into Silence 11am to 4pm A half-hour progress from our day-to-day world, through evolution and arts - musing, painting, poetry, wisdom and dance - into the stillness of well-being and meditation. 11 AM to 12 PM Spirituality and Indigenous Cultures 12 PM to 1 PM Journey to Silence 1 PM to 2 PM Music and Meditation 2 PM to 3 PM Stress Management through Meditation 3 PM to 4 PM Meditation Workshops Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Sydney Meditation Fairs & Festivals Program Sept to Nov, 2016

Sydney Meditation Fairs & Festivals Program Sept to Nov, 2016

/ NSW News
Sydney Meditation Fairs & Festivals Program September to November 2016 Our meditation and music teams will be at these fairs and festivals during September and November. Please come along to meet us and experience our free meditation. Free follow-up classes are available in most locations. ♦ Strathfield Spring Festival 4th September, 9:30-4pm Strathfield Park, located on Homebush Road and Chalmers Road, Strathfield (Google map) Contact Jenny: 0425 324 265 ♦ Moon Festival Sunday 4th September, 9am to 8pm Cabramatta CBD. Around John Street, Park Road, Dutton Lane Loop, and Railway Parade, Cabramatta. (Google map) Contact Lisa: 0437 405 155 ♦ Surry Hills Festival Saturday 24th September In and around Ward Park and Shannon Reserve, Crown Street, Hill Street,
Meditation Workshops for International Youth Day 6th & 7th August, 2016

Meditation Workshops for International Youth Day 6th & 7th August, 2016

Celebrating International Youth Day Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th August, 2016 Free Meditation Workshops for Youth, Parents & Carers 'Meditation skills for life, especially for the young and young at heart!' Everyone welcome to attend Adelaide • Canberra • Gold Coast • Melbourne • Perth • Sydney International Youth Day occurs annually on August 12th. This day was declared by the United Nations in 1985. It aims to remind the public of the importance of youth as a stage of life and it is celebrated all over the world. On International Youth Day, the youth are at the centre of our collective attention. According to the Western European definition, the youth are boys and girls between 13 and 21. During
UN Day of Yoga (World Yoga Day) 2016

UN Day of Yoga (World Yoga Day) 2016

/ Free event, National events
Events for UN International Day of Yoga, June 2016 True Yoga is our union with the all pervading power. Sahaja Yoga Meditation provides this connection through Self Realisation and Kundalini awakening. Adelaide • Brisbane • Canberra • Melbourne • Sydney • WA The Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique brings about a state of thoughtless awareness that quietens our mind and connects us to our inner self and the all-pervading energy. Traditionally, Yoga means union with this energy and in the past, exercises associated with modern day physical yoga were used to attain this meditation state. Today, this meditation is easily achieved through a process called Self-Realisation (kundalini awakening) which frees us of stress and enables us to enjoy the present moment.