Sahaja Yoga Meditation celebrates World Yoga Day
Live Streaming and free events Australia Wide during June 2019
Real Yoga is the spiritual union attained through Self Realisation and Meditation.
Live Streaming and event location details below.
Traditionally, Yoga means union with our inner self and the all-pervading energy. Real Yoga is not physical exercises but thoughtless awareness meditation which is achieved through Self Realisation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation provides this experience for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
This is the Real Yoga
“So this is your birthright. All human beings have this right to get the awakening of their Kundalini by which they become one with the Divine Power. This is the Real Yoga.” Shri Mataji.
HH Shri Mataji talks about the meaning of Sahaja Yoga, meditation and the Real Yoga
Live Streaming on YouTube
Friday 21st June 2019 • 6:30pm to 7:30m (Sydney time)

(Click on above link on the day and time of the webcast)
Free event locations
Free • Everyone welcome • No booking required
Events will be facilitated by our experienced practitioners who will clarify the true meaning of Real Yoga and how it is achieved through Self Realisation and meditation. Sessions include video talks by Shri Mataji and in-depth guided meditation. Suitable for newcomers and regular meditators. No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided. Some venues include live meditation music and light refreshments afterwards.
State & Date | Event location |
ACT - CIVIC Friday 21st June 6pm to 7:30pm | Meditation & Music at the Griffen Centre 20 Genge St Civic (Google map) Enquiries: Lyn 0410 177 822 Free follow-up classes in Canberra |
QLD - COOROY (near Noosa) Saturday 22nd June 12pm to 1:30pm | Cooroy Library 9 Maple Street, Cooroy (Google map) Enquiries: 1300 724 252 Free follow-up classes in Queensland |
NSW - ASHFIELD (Sydney) Tuesday 18th June 7pm to 8pm | Ashfield Town Hall Activity Room No. 4, 260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield Enquiries: Eero 0422448250 or Abhijeet 0413079353 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
NSW - BONDI JUNCTION (Sydney) Monday 24th June 11am to 12:30pm | Mill Hill Community Centre Level 2, 31-33 Spring St, Bondi Junction Google map Enquiries: Richard 0412 586 120 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
NSW - CRONULLA (Sydney) Tuesday 25th June 6:30pm to 7:30pm | Cronulla Central Meeting Room 1 38-60 Croydon Street Cronulla Short walk to Cronulla Station or free parking available. Enquiries: Andrew 0427 481 363 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
NSW - GLEBE (Sydney) Thursday 20th June 7.30pm to 8:30pm | Glebe Town Hall St Johns Rd (cr of Mt Vernon St). Enquiries: Prue 0475 912 891 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
NSW - HARRIS PARK (Sydney) Tuesday 25th June 7:30pm to 8:30pm | Harris Park Community Centre 11 Albion Street Harris Park, NSW 2150 Enquiries: Shivali 0423 292 953 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
NSW - HORNSBY (Sydney) Monday 24th June 7:30pm to 9pm | Hornsby Leisure and Learning Centre 25 Edgeworth David Avenue Enquiries: Hauke 0425 223 304 or Ildi 0410 610 967 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
NSW Regional - CHARLESTOWN (Newcastle) Tuesday 25th June 7.30pm to 8.30pm | The Glen, in The Place cnr Pearson and Frederick Sts Enquiries: Lisa 0437 405 155 (Google map) Free follow-up classes in NSW |
SA - BURNSIDE (East Adelaide) Tuesday 25th June 7:30pm to 9:30pm | Burnside Community Centre (Adjacent to Burnside Library) Corner of Greenhill/ Portrush Rd. (Google map) Enquiries: 0417 806 336 Free ongoing classes in South Australia |
SA - BURNSIDE (East Adelaide) Saturday 29th June 7:30pm to 9:30pm | World Yoga Day Free Music Concert Burnside Community Centre (Adjacent to Burnside Library) Corner of Greenhill/ Portrush Rd. (Google map) Enquiries: 0417 806 336 Free ongoing classes in South Australia |
SA - CHELTENHAM (Adelaide) Tuesday 25th June 7:30pm to 8:30pm | Cheltenham Community Centre 62 Stroud Street North, Cheltenham (Google map) Enquiries: 0417 806 336 Free ongoing classes inSouth Australia |
VIC - BOX HILL (East Melbourne) Friday 21st June 7:30pm to 8:30m | Box Hill South Neighbourhood House 47 Kitchener Street Box Hill South (Google map) Enquiries: 0406 486 794 Free ongoing classes in Victoria |
VIC - WYNDHAM VALE (West Melbourne) Friday 21st June 7pm to 8pm | Manor Lakes Community Learning Centre 86 Manor Lakes Blvd, Wyndham Vale Contact: 0401 535 148 or 0433 777 194 (Google map) Enquiries: 0406 486 794 Free ongoing classes in Victoria |
WA - FREMANTLE EAST Thursday 20th June 7pm to 8:30pm | East Fremantle Tricolore Community Centre Cnr Wauhop Rd & Preston Point Road Enquiries: 1300 724 252 (Google map) Enquiries: 1300 724 252 Free ongoing classes in Western Australia |
WA - MANDURAH (1.5 hrs south of Perth) Saturday 29th June 10am to 11:30am | Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah (Google map) Enquiries: 1300 724 252 Free ongoing classes in Western Australia |
WA - SORRENTO Saturday 22nd June 10:30am to 11:30am | Sorrento Community Hall 22 Padbury Circle, Sorrento (from West Coast Highway turn into The Plaza and then to the Community Hall car park). Enquiries: 1300 724 252 (Google map) Enquiries: 1300 724 252 Free ongoing classes in Western Australia |
Event poster