Footsoaking and Clearing Treatments

Preparing for Footsoaking and Candle Clearing Treatments

“Once you start growing in your Self Realization, you develop such a personality that you see the whole world as one.”
Shri Mataji – founder Sahaja Yoga meditation

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Preparing for Footsoaking Treatment

How to prepare for the Footsoaking

‘Footsoaking’ is a clearing techniques to bring balance to your inner subtle system and energy centres.

Please have the items below available so you can participate in Footsoaking sessions:

Items required:

  • A Footsoak bowl: A plastic or metal bowl for soaking your feet. It should be deep enough so you can put your feet flat in it and cover your ankles, if possible. Fill the Footsoak bowl with cool or warm water.
  • Half a cup of table or cooking salt. (Not Epsom salts)
  • Jug or bottle of clean water to rinse your feet when finished.
  • A towel/cloth or paper towels to dry your feet after rinsing your feet.

Footsoak treatment
(We’ll show you how to do this treatment during the webcast.)

Preparing for Candle Treatment

How to prepare for the Candle Treatment

The Candle treatment is used to clear our ‘left channel’ of imbalances. As a safety precaution, do not do this treatment if you are wearing loose clothes or near any combustible materials. Take great care. You can sit on a chair or the floor for this session.

Please have the items below available so you can participate in the Candle Treatment session:

  • A small candle in a holder or secured to a plate.
  • Matches/lighter.

Candle treatment
(We’ll show you how to do this treatment during the webcast session.)